CES is around the corner!
Unfortunately I can't see into the future on what may release.
I wanna take a sample of what your take into 3 case.
What I like:
-Simplicity (Not a big fan of aggressive design.
(Ex: Thermaltake Speedo. I love the TJ-07, 09, & 10 Silverstone Case)
-Air Air Air
(I'm done with Water Cooling. I no longer have enough time for it)
(Just like Simplicity, I like wire management, or to hide many component.)
(Need Room)
-Cooler Master ATC 840 (Arctic Thermal Conducting System)
"Looks great, simple, huge, extra gpu cooler. I will be adding a side window to this."
Link: http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=241&Itemid=61&limit=1&limitstart=1
-Cooler Master HAF (High Air Flow) 932
"Great case, although a few flaw with the case"
Img: [img]http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/cases/Cooler_Master_HAF_932/images/haf932-case.jpg[/img]
Link: http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/cases/Cooler_Master_HAF_932/
-Cooler Master Sniper
"Remind me of the Cosmo Series, Look TOO AGGRESSIVE for me. Fan Controller, led controler look great for me and case is large for future proof.
Link: http://tv.hexus.net/show/2008/11/HEXUS_insight_-_The_Cooler_Master_ATCS_840/
Again I know CES is around the corner. But "if" it comes between these 3. What will you choose and why?