My Friend's Laptop is Being Very Slow (And It's Alienware)

Alright so let me explain.


About a year ago my friend bought a gaming laptop (full price, not from some dude in a dark ally) and when he first got it, he can run minecraft at 200 fps. Now it's a year later and he only gets 60 fps with very frequent fps drops to around 15-20. I don't know why this happnes to him, he has an i7 3630MQ a GTX 660 and 18GB of ram. He can't really run Rust that well either and his computer is better than mine. So can anybody help me so I can tell him what to do?



fresh reinstall OS would probably fix everything.

Not enough info to diagnose the problem.

Could it be overheating? Have your friend download HWmonitor and watch the temperatures


^^ I second NeOZeN 

If it's alienware I'm surprised it hasn't burned his house down yet.

Temps.. = throttling. Usual alienware hazard. Plus probably a cluttered hdd.