My first serious PSU

Going from a generic 400w PSU that wasnt even certified 80+ for my gaming rig was a risky decision. It started to make dodgy noises on start-up, so I decided to replace it.

My replacement you ask? The Corsair RM 550, a slight jump in watts means I have additional leeway for upgrades in the future, and going with a high quality power supply means id be getting something that will last.  I was going to go for a bronze PSU and that may have been a better choice considering it was £40 cheaper than the RM. However I went with the RM due to its extra features, such as no fan usage until under heavy load, and wattage monitoring utilisation (C-link).  I havent seen the fan ramp up once, and Ive been gaming and doing other productivity tasks, this suggests im probably not using much power at all, however im not concerned as I plan to get a better graphics card and other additions in the future. 

Moral of the story, dont skimp out on a PSU!

Here are some pics:


i remember when my i got serious with my first psu, it was great, but then a psu with a higher power rating and better efficiency came along and i had to dump the first psu, im sure it didnt take it too hard.

Im lucky nothing did go wrong with the computer, I think power supplies are vastly overlooked when building a PC.  Yes they are always getting more efficient, I just wanted something that will last me until my next build, and then I may not have to buy another. 

Welcome to the name brand PSU community! I used to skimp on power supply back in the day 2006? Back then name brands would die out like 1-3 years. You had a good one if it lasted more than 2 years. 

I feel privileged to be in the name brand PSU community XD.  Name brands would only last that long?  My old desktop PC brought in early 2000's which had a generic power supply lasted 12 years, mustve gotten lucky.  I hope mine lasts that long.

I have a Corsair RM 1000 in my build and I love it, I am a big fan of Corsair PSUs and I feel like your RM 550 was a good choice haha

Nice choice, thats a lot of power, you must have a nice build, what are you using it for? 

To be honest I probably dont need quite that much haha but when I was buying parts Amazon had it for sell cheaper than the 750watt I was looking at so I just went ahead and got it. But im currently running an FX8350, a Sapphire R9 280x tri X, 8 gig of Kingston RAM, an SSD and a HDD, Asus 990 motherboard (I think), and 4 fans. 

Your PSU pic's just put me over my monthly usage limit, Gonna have to suffer 56Kbps for a day now.