Yo, i'm thinking about building my first computer. :) These are the parts i've been looking at right now. If you have anny sugestions or different parts i should buy, please comment.
CM Storm Trooper Gaming Big Tower
Silver Power SP-SS500 500W PSU
Intel LGA1155 Core i7-3770
MSI B75MA-P45, Socket-1155
Crucial DDR3 BallistiX 1600Mhz 16GB KIT
Crucial m4 SSD 2.5" 128GB
The 3770 and a 560ti dont seem to fit maybe if theres room a 3770 and a gtx 660 or 660ti
or just get a 2500k and or a 3570k and a 660 or 660ti
I just feel like the 560ti would bottleneck the cpu
yeah i second what waffletime said. if you are using this system for gaming their will be no benifit to have a 3770 over a core i5 2500k.
Agreed. Get one of those two processors, I'd go 3570k but that's me. Then you can put that 100 toward a better gpu. Maybe a 7950 instead, the sapphire's deal is incredible. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202006
Yup other than those 2 things looks like a beast
Thanks guys, I think i'll go for a 3570k and a 7950, like IronThunder said.