Hi, I am new to this website and this is going to be my first computer build.
I don’t have any part to recycle, my current PC is too old and the PSU is making a weird noise and beside it’s an old piece of junk anyway. And my other PC is a laptop. I’m not sure about my max budget but I’m confident enough to say that’s it’s going to be 1000$ and more. I will build it in early September, anyway I made this thread to get answer to my question first.
I live in Canada in the province of Québec
All I need is the computer itself, I don't need any peripheral.
I would like to overclock but I’m not sure if I can do it right :/
Water cooling would be cool, but I’m not sure if it will fit in my budget
I do not need a OS
My situation :
I am studying in multimedia at the college, I’m basically making website, coding, editing videos, photos, 3D modeling and a whole bunch of other things. I am a big gamer too but, I don’t really care about graphic, but I’d like to play games at least medium setting at 50~60fps. There also that dolphin emulator (gamecube and wii) I’m looking forward to run properly. I’m also looking for an upgradable system that’s going to last a fair amount of time. As of now, I only have a 1050x1680 monitor, but I planned on buying a 1080p (do not include that in the price) monitor later and use both for work n’ stuff (not gaming on both). I mostly use the adobe line, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, after effect… etc. also some 3d rendering software like Blender and 3ds max.
It would be cool if you guys make a list of nice game to play on PC… I’m a retro gamer at heart but I want to “modernise” myself a bit for this generation
For the hard drive, I would like to have a 1tb drive, I also want a 128gb SSD, I don’t really need that much more, I have a laptop with 750gb drive to store other things.
I did some research, watch videos and I think I’m ready to build my PC, I just want your help for the part I’m going to use: I choose two configurations and I want your input on it, they are pretty similar except CPU and mobo.
AMD build: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/1lax7
Price : $1023,94, though I don’t think Partpicker calculate Quebec’s taxe rate.
Intel build: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/1laNW
Price : $1108.20, + taxe
Question I have:
Do I choose trustworthy brand?
Should I get 1866 mhz ram? I don’t really know how it’s useful/worth it?
What’s the Cas Latency and the Timing and how it’s going to improve my performance?
Should I pick an NVidia card… maybe a gtx 660 or 760? I heard that cuda work well with adobe program but I also heard that they added support for openGL so… now I don’t know, what’s the best?
Intel or AMD: should I get an Fx-8350 or an i5-4670(k), or should I go with an older Ivy bridge… or should I spend a 100$ more and get an i7 (Haswell or Ivy bridge) and I’ve seen some xeon E3 that look good and affordable? There is so many choices…. I don’t know what to think :S ….
Should I wait for AMD’s next steamroller architecture? I mean I can wait, but I don’t really want to… I’m excited to get my new pc and play with it :P
How far can I overclock with this motherboard and CPU cooler?
I’m not a fanboy of any company, all I want is a system that going to give me the best performance for my money. Thank in advance, Take care!
Sorry for the wall of text, I'm a bit streested by this, I fear that I'll do someting bad...