built to stream/do some light gaming. Let me know if this is legit. Already purchased, but could return/exchange items if something is terrible. Let me know!
built to stream/do some light gaming. Let me know if this is legit. Already purchased, but could return/exchange items if something is terrible. Let me know!
Are you not overclocking? and do you have a large number of SATA drives? questioning the Q87 chipset decision if this isn't a networking build?
I've heard of some people having PSU issues with the CX series from Corsair (the only series from Corsair I've ever heard of having problems)
Really nice CPU with an OK GPU... so long as it's light gaming on light games it shouldn't be a huge problem. Really depends on what exactly you need it for.
I'd recommend a 120GB SSD...
I'd recommend an aftermarket CPU cooler if you plan to overclock...
Not an awful build for a first... just need to iron out what exactly you plan to use it for before I'd put a stamp of approval on it
I wasn't planning on overclocking. The main thing I will be using the PC for is streaming console games.
You think a 120gb SSD would be better than the 1TB hybrid? I will only be using the one hard drive. I picked the Q87 motherboard without really putting a lot of thought into it. I ordered everything from newegg so I could probably modify my order overnight if you think the changes you reccomended would be much better.
well the Z87 platform tends to be a lot more useable frankly unless you plan on using it strictly for networking... ASUS puts out an excellent line of Z87 mobo's...
I think you'd be very surprised at the performance of a 120GB SSD for boot and core program start times if you were to install them on the SSD... obviously 120GB isn't big enough for an all-encompassing system, but for long term storage $50 isn't a big stretch to add to the budget. Imagine starting your pc in 15 seconds. Imagine opening Photoshop in 5 seconds. That's the type of awesomeness SSD's can provide... They're literally 2-4 times faster in boot speeds and write/transfer speeds they can be up to 20x faster... it's worth investing in for a small SSD especially for big CPU intensive programs like CS6...
I will look into the Z87 line of motherboards. As far as the SSD, you are suggesting I use it for core programs etc because of the speed as opposed to a standard HD? Or were you suggesting the SSD for as my main storage? I'm pretty new to PC builds so I'm still trying to work the kinks out. Are there any specific Z87 mobo's you would suggest? Otherwise I think I would be in the same boat picking one at random. Thanks again for the info.
Let me know if you have another Corsair PSU suggestion as well.
for media storage. a WD 7200 Caviar Blue 1-2TB is perfect... not loud, no fails, does the job...
for Corsair power supply, anything 80+ bronze rated or better that isn't in the CX line is highly recommended...
SSD is for a boot drive and core taxing programs... it wouldn't be smart to use such a small drive as a dependant storage system...
as far as the Z87 line... it would depend on what you want to accomplish from your motherboard...
the http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-z87k is a pretty basic model (that still has many more features than most)... great for basic operations and overclocking with 6 6GB/s SATA ports...
If you want SLI support then you could go with the Z87-PLUS... anything more than that would very likely be overkill for a first build... (SLI is generally use to connect more than one video card in line)
I like the Corsair TX series.. I've used it on several builds and haven't had any problems... they're affordable yet still very high quality and reliable... 80+ bronze rated
great thanks. I swapped a couple parts in from the build you showed me, namely the mobo and graphics card. Went with the Corsair Enthusiast 650watt
I'm just gonna just leave some suggestions here.
FX-8350 + Asus M5A99X EVO r2.0
GTX 760
8350 is a beast for streaming, and is a bit cheaper than the i7. Put more money into a better video card will be much, much better.