Hi i was /ndering if this is a good build as it is my first and i what will i expect from it
Hi i was /ndering if this is a good build as it is my first and i what will i expect from it
Didn't like the build I made?
I did but i just wanted a 2gb graphics card and a different case. I did like the hardrive and powersuppy along withe processor.
Your probably better off getting an APU... by far.
Whats a good apu for a good price
It is pointless having 2gb on a card if it's too weak to utilize it.
ddr3 video cards are too outdated now anless you just whant to watch videos
If your looking for a £50 gpu try this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/Asus-Radeon-Graphics-PCI-Express-Dust-proof/dp/B004XANO24 but ied spend a little more £80+ will get you a hd7770