Hello, I have never built a PC and was looking around and came up with this list as a very low level starting point because I am on a tight budget. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
Here is the link to the list ---> http://pcpartpicker.com/user/pokemc03/saved/frTNnQ
You don't need a 600w power supply for that build. Also, you may want to consider getting 4GB of RAM and getting a better graphics card. You can get an open-box R7 for around $70 that will at least get you some 1080p gaming. You also don't need 1866 RAM, 1600 will be fine since you're not using an APU.
With that being said, if you can find a cheap APU, then you might want to do that instead. If you can get an A10 for less than 150$, you'll be getting an $80 quad-core processor and an $80 graphics card in one chip, which is pretty nice for a first build...You can also add the secondary graphics card in later, and add higher speed RAM to increase performance. Most people will tell you that the APU is not a good value or a good performer, but it actually can hit a sweet spot, especially because upgrading the RAM will boost your performance a great deal, and you can use Dual Graphics down the road. Of course, you are better off saving up and getting a discrete solution, but if you want to have a great PC for light-gaming with a high potential for upgradability, the APU can work wonders, especially if you play MANTLE games like Thief or BF4.
Exactly, so that CPU has an HD 7660D built in, which will actually perform better than the GPU you had picked out in your first build. The fact that it has the GPU built into the CPU makes it an APU, which fits in FM2 boards.
Now you can also put a 6670 card into the motherboard (as long as it supports Dual Graphics) and the APU and the Card will go into Dual Graphics mode, and work together for even more performance. In my experience however, this tends to only work better in certain applications, and it works better with a 7850k than an 580k, but the 580k would still be a better CPU and GPU than the ones you picked out, and is only slightly more expensive, whereas the 7850k is way more expensive at $130+
holy crap that is a tight budget. use the EVGA 500b 500w psu it's a lot more than you need but it's cheaper up front cost and more reliable than the one you have selected. mail in rebates take several months it's a joke.
I second the motion to use an A10 APU and add a graphics card later.
ditch the cooler use stock cooler if you need a better solution buy the cooler later since the budget is tight and use the money elsewhere.
That's a good deal on the ram for 66 bucks but bare in mind that APUs will benifit greatly from higher speed ram 2133mhz or 2400mhz is an APU sweetspot at about 1.5x the graphics performance of standard 1600 mhz. you can also just buy 1 stick now one later.
I have built this exact PC, and it is a "Sweet spot" for performance and price. The alternative, if you want to use the FM2 socket board, is to get an 860K (a quad-core CPU) for $70 and a graphics card for around $70 (like an R7 250). The point of the APU is, it has the 860k and the R7 250 combined into one chip. The benefit of having them separate may be slightly better performance and higher headroom for OC, but if you get the APU you can always add in the dual-graphics setup later.
I agree. I looked at the build you posted, and it's solid. Since you can get an R9 at that price these days, you are better off not getting an APU unless you are on a super right budget and you get a 7850k for <$120.