this is gonna be my first build. Any opinions are open
i already have the cpu and the gpu was free so im using it. just to let you know...
going to be just gaming on it and internet browsing
thanks for any feedback!
this is gonna be my first build. Any opinions are open
i already have the cpu and the gpu was free so im using it. just to let you know...
going to be just gaming on it and internet browsing
thanks for any feedback!
get an asus board. and a real CPU cooler so you can OC that chip since its not all that great,if you plan on playing any AAA titles your guna need a better GPU but if it was free then rock that till you need to upgrade.
Lot of old tech in there... Update it for better performance.
he got the CPU and gpu for free, thats the only reason he has them in the build
oh. Maybe I should learn to read a bit better :P. Well in that case:
What's the advantages of having a ssd?
super fast boot time compared to a hard drive.
Put the OS and common programs onto the SSD.
Your cold boot times will often be less than twenty seconds, and the programs on the SSD should boot up almost instantly.