My first build help plz?

Sooo Im building my pc aiming to play bf4 on ultra hopefully and some other high-end games need help my budget is around 600-700 (800 is my last bet) Euro.

my build so far  its exactly €907.90 buying from

any way to bring down the cost ??

Ignore the pound sigh(should be euro)

I will listen to all suggestions :ange:


  • Budget 600-700
  • Where do you live : ireland,  what currency: euro
  •   -Is there a retailer you prefer?: ,
  • Do you need or already have peripherals?: I will buy new in the future
  • What will you be using your future computer for?; Gaming
  • Do you overclock or want to get into overclocking? ; future maybe
  • Do you plan on going for custom watercooling now, or in the future?: future
  • OS. Do you need a new one? ; yep

If you Game-

  • What kind of settings do you like or what FPS do you want to play at? : i never play on 60 or 30 fps ... T_T
  • What resolution will you be playing at? //or would like to play at. ; idk what monitor will i have :c
  • What kind of games do you like to play? (fps , rpg , and stuff)
  • What specific game will you be playing (bf 4 , far cry 4 , war thunder )


Other Notes:

  • What is your general experience in building computers?: first build

If there are any parts that you must have: SSD or sshd (ill pick 500gb model to bring down the price)

Is there a reason you have two 1Tb harddrives in the list? Also if you don't plan on overclocking you could get the non K version of your processor. 

1 is hdd and other is sshd but i can get a 500gb sshd its a whatever + i plan overclocking in the future and its like only 20 euro more

batman your SSD choice is totally wrong. That Seagate is not a SSD its a SSHD hybrid of a SSD and a HDD. But since you're planning on getting that Seagate SSHD drop the WD blue 1TB and buy a Seagate 2tb SSHD instead.

I would seriously reconsider the way you have budgeted this system. I would downgrade some of the parts that effect the performance less (motherboard, storage etc.) to get a better graphics card. If I was you I would start over and cheap out as much as you feel comfortable with in all other parts of the system and then throw the rest of your budget into your graphics card, but that's just me. You have to keep your CPU in mind also but remember that it probably will not effect your frame rates more than a few frames per second in most cases. All of this advice only really applies if you are using the rig solely for gaming and it really comes down to your preference in the end. 

Way too weak on the GPU.

Not 100% sure how much this'll cost in your currency.

I know its a sshd :p but still thx ill consider that ;3


it got down from 907.90 to 861.86 euro thx

thx ill play around a bit with this :3

there some changes ( the price is now €864.64 thx ;3

thanks , yea it will be used mostly for gaming
i wont properly change the cpu but ur right  with the mobo and other part . ill change some stuff thx again

just a question do you think that 500watt will be ok or would i need to upgrade to 600watt ??