My Early Arch Config - Looking for feedback

I finally caved and decided to try Arch after a disappointing experience with KDE Neon.

I spent a good part of the week working on this in a VM. It installs a stock, headless Arch onto a fairly complex storage configuration, mixing mdadm, luks and lvm.

Highlights are:

  • Noninteractive except for setting a password for your user at the end
  • Encrypted boot, root, home and swap in separate luks containers
  • Mirrored boot (will boot from either drive in the boot mirror with no intervention) - yes it is bios, but…
  • ESP partition is there for future-proofness
  • Script can be re-run over itself in case you want to make a change and run it again. It blows away everything on the disks at the beginning and ignores things like “we found a partition/crypt/whatever are you sure you want to blah blah.”

Anyway, this is the first time I’ve done a lot of these things manually, so I am looking for any willing, critical eyes. Very likely I have overlooked something or at the very least done something sub-optimally.

Below is outdated, please reference the gist

Here is how the storage is laid out (vda1 and vdb1 are biosboot):

NAME                             FSTYPE            FSVER            LABEL            MOUNTPOINT
├─vda2                           vfat              FAT32            ESP
├─vda3                           linux_raid_member 1.0              adm3:boot_mirror
│ └─md127                        crypto_LUKS       1
│   └─boot_luks                  ext4              1.0              boot             /mnt/boot
├─vda4                           linux_raid_member 1.2              adm3:swap_mirror
│ └─md126
└─vda5                           linux_raid_member 1.2              adm3:root_mirror
  └─md125                        crypto_LUKS       2
    └─root_luks                  LVM2_member       LVM2 001
      ├─root_vg-root_lv          ext4              1.0              root             /mnt
      ├─root_vg-var_lv           ext4              1.0              var              /mnt/var
      ├─root_vg-var_log_lv       ext4              1.0              var_log          /mnt/var/log
      └─root_vg-var_log_audit_lv ext4              1.0              var_log_audit    /mnt/var/log/audit
├─vdb2                           vfat              FAT32            ESP
├─vdb3                           linux_raid_member 1.0              adm3:boot_mirror
│ └─md127                        crypto_LUKS       1
│   └─boot_luks                  ext4              1.0              boot             /mnt/boot
├─vdb4                           linux_raid_member 1.2              adm3:swap_mirror
│ └─md126
└─vdb5                           linux_raid_member 1.2              adm3:root_mirror
  └─md125                        crypto_LUKS       2
    └─root_luks                  LVM2_member       LVM2 001
      ├─root_vg-root_lv          ext4              1.0              root             /mnt
      ├─root_vg-var_lv           ext4              1.0              var              /mnt/var
      ├─root_vg-var_log_lv       ext4              1.0              var_log          /mnt/var/log
      └─root_vg-var_log_audit_lv ext4              1.0              var_log_audit    /mnt/var/log/audit
└─vdc1                           crypto_LUKS       2
  └─home_luks                    LVM2_member       LVM2 001
    └─home_vg-home_lv            ext4              1.0              home             /mnt/home

Here is the script. I’ve divided into sections to make it easier to look at here.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# ON THIS SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# This script assumes 3 drives (vda vdb and vdc) are present and the
# first 2 are identical in size. The majority of the operating system
# is installed onto a mirror of vda and vdb. Home is installed on vdc.

# PRELIMINARY ##########################################################

set -euxo pipefail
setopt +o nomatch
trap -- 'echo "FAIL: ${pipestatus[@]}"' "ERR"

# Check reverse dns for hostname
declare hostname="$(  dig -x "$( hostname -i )" +noall +answer |
                      awk '/\.$/ { print substr($NF, 1, length($NF)-1) }' )"
# Otherwise set manually
: ${hostname:=adm3}

# User
declare adm_user='o0-o'

timedatectl set-ntp true

# Example: a mirror for esp (for future use), boot, swap, root and a
# dedicated drive for home
declare -a boot_swap_root_mirror=( '/dev/vda' '/dev/vdb' )
declare home='/dev/vdc'

Reset Storage
# RESET STORAGE ########################################################

# Unmount everything but live environment
declare notypes='nooverlay,noproc,nosysfs,nodevtmpfs,notmpfs,noiso9660'
declare notypes="${notypes},nodevpts,nocgroup2"
umount    --force --recursive '/mnt' || :
umount    --force --all \
          --types "${notypes}"  || :
# Turn off swap
swapoff   --all

# Deactivate all LVM logical volumes
lvchange  --activate 'n'  \
          --              \
          $( lvs  --noheadings --rows --options 'lv_path' ) || :

# Forcefully remove all LVM physical volumes
pvremove  --yes --force --force \
          --                    \
          $( pvs  --noheadings --rows --options 'pv_name' ) || :

# Close all LUKS containers
lsblk --noheadings        \
      --list              \
      --output NAME,TYPE  |
tac                       |
grep "crypt$"             |
while read -r crypt; do
  cryptsetup close "${crypt% *}"

# Remove all md devices
for md in '/dev/md'?*; do
  umount --lazy   "${md}"                             || :
  echo idle > "/sys/block/${md##*/}/md/sync_action"   || :
  echo none > "/sys/block/${md##*/}/md/resync_start"  || :
  mdadm --stop    "${md}"                             || :
  mdadm --remove  "${md}"                             || :
lsblk --noheadings  \
      --list        \
      --output NAME |
tac                 |
while read -r dev; do
  mdadm --misc --force --zero-superblock "/dev/${dev}"  || :

# Clear partitions
for drive in "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}" "${home}"; do
  sgdisk  --zap-all "${drive}"

# Show cleared out storage
set +x; echo; echo; echo; lsblk; ls '/dev/md'?* 2>/dev/null || :; echo; echo
echo; sleep 3; set -x

# PARTITION ############################################################

# Create partitions for boot mirror and root mirror, create biosboot and
# esp partitions to keep future options open
for drive in "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}"; do
  sgdisk  --zap-all                                                   \
          --new             '1:0:+1M'                                 \
          --typecode        '1:ef02'                                  \
          --change-name     '1:biosboot'                              \
          --partition-guid  '1:21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649'  \
          --new             '2:0:+550M'                               \
          --typecode        '2:ef00'                                  \
          --change-name     '2:ESP'                                   \
          --new             '3:0:+4G'                                 \
          --typecode        '3:fd00'                                  \
          --change-name     '3:boot_mirror_part'                      \
          --new             '4:0:+4G'                                 \
          --typecode        '4:fd00'                                  \
          --change-name     '4:swap_mirror_part'                      \
          --new             '5:0:-100M'                               \
          --typecode        '5:fd00'                                  \
          --change-name     '5:root_mirror_part'                      \

# Create partition for home (luks)
sgdisk  --zap-all                           \
        --new         '1:0:-100M'           \
        --typecode    '1:8309'              \
        --change-name '1:home_part'         \

# RAID #################################################################

yes                                                   |
mdadm --create                                        \
      --force                                         \
      --level         '1'                             \
      --metadata      '1.0'                           \
      --bitmap        'internal'                      \
      --homehost      "${hostname}"                   \
      --raid-devices  "${#boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}"  \
      '/dev/md/boot_mirror'                           \
      "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]/%/3}"               ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]
# yes will always cause pipefail

yes                                                   |
mdadm --create                                        \
      --force                                         \
      --level         '1'                             \
      --metadata      '1.2'                           \
      --bitmap        'internal'                      \
      --homehost      "${hostname}"                   \
      --raid-devices  "${#boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}"  \
      '/dev/md/swap_mirror'                           \
      "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]/%/4}"               ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]
shred --zero  --size '20MiB'  '/dev/md/swap_mirror'

yes                                                   |
mdadm --create                                        \
      --force                                         \
      --level         '1'                             \
      --metadata      '1.2'                           \
      --bitmap        'internal'                      \
      --homehost      "${hostname}"                   \
      --raid-devices  "${#boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}"  \
      '/dev/md/root_mirror'                           \
      "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]/%/5}"               ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]

# ENCRYPTION ###########################################################

# Prep
for dev in '/dev/md/boot_mirror' '/dev/md/root_mirror' "${home}"; do

  yes 'YES'                                   |
  cryptsetup  open  --type      'plain'       \
                    --key-file  '/dev/random' \
                    "${dev}"                  \
                    'container'               ||
  [ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]
  # Uncomment when you do it for real
#  dd  if='/dev/zero'              \
#      of='/dev/mapper/container'  \
#      bs='1M'                     \
#      status='progress'           || : # Exit 1 expected
  cryptsetup  close 'container'


# Key file
dd  if='/dev/urandom' \
    of='luks.key'     \
    bs='512'          \
chmod '600' 'luks.key'

# Boot
yes 'YES'                                       |
cryptsetup  luksFormat  --type      'luks1'     \
                        --key-file  'luks.key'  \
                        '/dev/md/boot_mirror'   ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]
cryptsetup  open        --key-file  'luks.key'  \
                        '/dev/md/boot_mirror'   \

# Root
yes 'YES'                                       |
cryptsetup  luksFormat  --key-file  'luks.key'  \
                        '/dev/md/root_mirror'   ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]
cryptsetup  open        --key-file  'luks.key'  \
                        '/dev/md/root_mirror'   \

# Home
yes 'YES'                                       |
cryptsetup  luksFormat  --key-file  'luks.key'  \
                        "${home}1"              ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]
cryptsetup  open        --key-file  'luks.key'  \
                        "${home}1"              \

# LVM ##################################################################

# Root
pvcreate  --yes                   \
          --force --force         \
vgcreate  'root_vg'               \
lvcreate  --size  '48G'           \
          --name  'root_lv'       \
# Var
lvcreate  --size  '32G'     \
          --name  'var_lv'  \
# Log
lvcreate  --size  '8G'          \
          --name  'var_log_lv'  \
# Audit log
lvcreate  --size  '8G'                \
          --name  'var_log_audit_lv'  \

# Home
pvcreate  --yes                   \
          --force --force         \
vgcreate  'home_vg'               \
lvcreate  --extents '67%FREE'     \
          --name    'home_lv'     \

File Systems
# FILE SYSTEMS #########################################################

for drive in "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}"; do
  mkfs.vfat -F '32'     \
            -n 'ESP'    \

# Boot
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L  'boot'                  \

# Root
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L  'root'                  \

# Var
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L  'var'                   \

# Log
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L  'var_log'               \

# Audit log
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L  'var_log_audit'         \

# Home
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L  'home'                  \

Mount and Install OS
# MOUNT AND INSTALL OS #################################################

mount   '/dev/root_vg/root_lv'          '/mnt'
mkdir                                   '/mnt/var'
mount   '/dev/root_vg/var_lv'           '/mnt/var'
mkdir                                   '/mnt/var/log'
mount   '/dev/root_vg/var_log_lv'       '/mnt/var/log'
mkdir                                   '/mnt/var/log/audit'
mount   '/dev/root_vg/var_log_audit_lv' '/mnt/var/log/audit'
mkdir                                   '/mnt/home'
mount   '/dev/home_vg/home_lv'          '/mnt/home'
mkdir                                   '/mnt/boot'
mount   '/dev/mapper/boot_luks'         '/mnt/boot'

# Show formatted and mounted storage
set +x; echo; echo; echo; lsblk -f; echo; echo; echo; sleep 3; set -x

# Install the base OS
pacstrap  '/mnt'  base base-devel                   \
                  linux linux-firmware intel-ucode  \
                  grub mkinitcpio                   \
                  networkmanager                    \
                  mdadm lvm2                        \
                  zsh vim git                       \

Configure Storage
# STORAGE ##############################################################

# Configure mdadm
mdadm --detail  \
      --scan    >> '/mnt/etc/mdadm.conf'

# Configure luks
# Transfer keys to chroot
cp  --archive  'luks.key' '/mnt/etc/'
# Add swap and home to crypttab
printf  '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n'                                                \
        'swap'                                                            \
        "$( find  -L        '/dev/disk'           \
                  -samefile '/dev/md/swap_mirror' |
                  head  --lines   '1'               )"                    \
        '/dev/urandom'                                                    \
        'swap,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256'                            \
        'home_luks'                                                       \
        "UUID=$( blkid --match-tag 'UUID' --output 'value' "${home}1" )"  \
        '/etc/luks.key'                                                   \
        'luks,discard'                                  >> '/mnt/etc/crypttab'
# Add boot and root to initramfs
printf  '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n'                          \
        'boot_luks'                                 \
        "UUID=$(  blkid --match-tag 'UUID'    \
                        --output    'value'   \
                        '/dev/md/boot_mirror'   )"  \
        '/etc/luks.key'                             \
        'luks,discard'                              \
        'root_luks'                                 \
        "UUID=$(  blkid --match-tag 'UUID'    \
                        --output    'value'   \
                        '/dev/md/root_mirror'   )"  \
        '/etc/luks.key'                             \
        'luks,discard'                        >> '/mnt/etc/crypttab.initramfs'

# Configure fstab
genfstab  '/mnt'  >>  '/mnt/etc/fstab'
# Swap is re-encrypted each boot via crypttab
printf  '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n'  \
        '/dev/mapper/swap'          \
        'none'                      \
        'swap'                      \
        'defaults'                  \
        '0'                         \
        '0'                         >>  '/mnt/etc/fstab'

# MISC CONFIG ##########################################################

# Time
arch-chroot '/mnt'    \
hwclock     --systohc
arch-chroot '/mnt'                                  \
ln          --symbolic                              \
            --force                                 \
            '/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York'  \

# Locale
sed --in-place                            \
    --expression '/#en_US.UTF-8/ s/^#//'  \
printf  'LANG=%s.%s'  \
        'en_US'       \
        'UTF-8'       > '/mnt/etc/locale.conf'
printf  'KEYMAP=%s' \
        'us'        > '/mnt/etc/vconsole.conf'

arch-chroot '/mnt'  locale-gen

# Hostname
printf  '%s' "${hostname}"  > '/mnt/etc/hostname'
printf  '%s\t%s'      \
        ''   \
        "${hostname}" >>  '/mnt/etc/hosts'

# SERVICES #############################################################

# Will expand more here in the future
arch-chroot '/mnt'  systemctl enable sshd

Bootloader and Init
# BOOTLOADER AND INIT ##################################################

# mkinitcpio
declare files='/etc/luks.key'
declare hooks='base systemd autodetect keyboard sd-vconsole modconf block'
declare hooks="${hooks} mdadm_udev sd-encrypt sd-lvm2 filesystems fsck"
sed     --in-place                                          \
        --expression  '/^MODULES/ s/(.*)$/(ext4)/'          \
        --expression  '/^FILES/   s|(.*)$|('"${files}"')|'  \
        --expression  '/^HOOKS/   s/(.*)$/('"${hooks}"')/'  \
        --expression  '/^#COMPRESSION="zstd"/ a\
COMPRESSION="cat"'                    \
arch-chroot '/mnt'        \
mkinitcpio  --allpresets

# Grub
declare gcl="${gcl-}debug"
declare gcl="${gcl-} rw"
declare gcl="${gcl-}$(  blkid --match-tag 'UUID'    \
                                            --output    'value'   \
                                            '/dev/md/boot_mirror'   )=cryptdev"
declare gcl="${gcl-} rd.luks.options=discard"
declare gcl="${gcl-} root=UUID=$( blkid --match-tag 'UUID'    \
                                        --output    'value'   \
                                        '/dev/md/root_mirror'   )"
sed --in-place                                                          \
    --expression  '/GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=/      s/^#//'               \
    --expression  '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/  s|""$|"'"${gcl}"'"|'  \
arch-chroot   '/mnt'                        \
grub-install  --target=i386-pc  '/dev/vda'
arch-chroot   '/mnt'                        \
grub-install  --target=i386-pc  '/dev/vdb'
arch-chroot   '/mnt'                                  \
grub-mkconfig --output          '/boot/grub/grub.cfg'

# USER #################################################################

# Sudo
printf  '%s' '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' > '/mnt/etc/sudoers.d/wheel'

# Interactive password entry
set +x
while [ ! "${password-1}" = "${password_confirm-2}" ]; do
  printf  '%s:'   "Create a password for user ${adm_user}"
  read    -s      password
  printf  '\n%s:' 'Retype the password'
  read    -s      password_confirm
  print   '\n'
unset password_confirm

# Create admin user
arch-chroot     '/mnt'                    \
sudo useradd    --create-home             \
                --user-group              \
                --groups  'wheel'         \
                --shell   '/usr/bin/zsh'  \
yes             "${password}" |
arch-chroot     '/mnt'        \
passwd          "${adm_user}" ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]

# Add password to luks
yes             "${password}"                       |
arch-chroot     '/mnt'                              \
cryptsetup  luksAddKey  --key-file '/etc/luks.key'  \
                        '/dev/md/boot_mirror'       ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]

yes             "${password}"                       |
arch-chroot     '/mnt'                              \
cryptsetup  luksAddKey  --key-file '/etc/luks.key'  \
                        '/dev/md/root_mirror'       ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]

yes             "${password}"                       |
arch-chroot     '/mnt'                              \
cryptsetup  luksAddKey  --key-file '/etc/luks.key'  \
                        '/dev/vdc1'                 ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = '0' ]

unset password

reboot now

And here’s the whole thing as a gist:

1 Like

Jesus, why so many partitions?


ESP (have both to keep options open)
Boot - mdmirror w/meta 1.0, luksv1, ext4
Swap - mdmirror w/meta1.2, luksv2
Root - mdmirror w/meta1.2, luksv2, lvm, ext4
Home (different drive) - luksv2, lvm, ext4

The storage I was already pretty comfortable configuring. The bootloader/init was where I got stuck for a while (like 2 days).

Having some pgp key headaches using yay. I added the ubuntu key server to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf which seems to have fixed the 2 issues I ran into, but only after failing with the MIT and openpgp key servers. Is that the best approach or is there some global config I should change? I know pacman has it’s own keychain, but yay appears to use the user’s.

Is it common/possible to specify multiple key servers since they are often pretty flaky?

One thing I did with the blindarch install is to set the package lists into separate files and then just pacstrap them all with variables.

This process is useful if dealing with a lot of different possible installs, so might help you to make your script more modular.

So I did it like this:


pacstrap /mnt $PSBASEPKGLST

For sure. It’s very much hard coded for my use-case for now. It’ll be good to make it more modular in the future.

1 Like

I’ve added an initial OS snapshot. You can tag logical volumes in lvcreate (or lvchange) with --addtag 'tag'. Then you can lvs @tag to only list those volumes which is handy, but more importantly, you can lvmerge @tag to easily rollback multiple volumes.

In my case, I tagged the root and var volumes as os to easily snapshot them together. I’m not tagging the log or home volumes as os because I want them to persist through a rollback.

To snapshot all logical volumes tagged with os and only allot their currently used space, I use this:

declare snap_time="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")"
lvs --noheadings            \
    --option      'lv_path' \
    '@os'                   |
while read -r lv; do
  declare size="$(  df  --block-size='1K'                             \
                        --exclude-type='tmpfs'                        \
                        --exclude-type='devtmpfs'                     \
                        --output='source,used'                        |
                    tail  --lines '+2'                                |
                    fgrep $(  lvs --noheadings                    \
                                  --option      'vg_name,lvname'  \
                                  --separator   '-'               \
                                  "${lv}"                           ) |
                    awk '{ print $2 }'                                  )K"
  lvcreate  --snapshot                            \
            --name      "${lv##*/}_${snap_time}"  \
            --size      "${size}"                 \
            --addtag    "${snap_time}"            \
            --addtag    "$(uname -r)"             \

Note 1: it is necessary to exclude double quotes around the subshell in fgrep $( lvs --noheadings ... because lvs --noheadings (annoyingly) always prints blank space at the beginning of output.

Note 2: I have tagged the snapshots with the current kernel in case that is relevant to the rollback. I think I saw somewhere the grub can boot lvm now, so maybe we can snapshot boot as well?

To rollback the system, you just lvconvert --merge @timestamp and reboot. To list the timestamps available, you can:

lvs -o lv_tags | grep -o '[0-9]\{4\}\(-[0-9]\{2\}\)\{5\}' | sort -n | uniq
1 Like

Yeah, so yay is special.

It requires user configuration of a keyserver in your personal keyring, and not the pacman keyring. This is not well documented; “sane defaults” my ass.

The Ubuntu keyserver is what I use, and I’ve never ran into problems with it. I think Ubuntu does much better than others at staying up.

I was more talking about this, in regards to a separate mount for /var, /var/log, and /var/log/audit. Never seen someone do that.

1 Like

Yep, and you can get explicitly installed with yay -Qetq.

This can include false positives if you’ve got make dependencies for aur packages installed, but it’s still a good command to strip down the package list to something more usable.

1 Like

It’s from DISA STIG. audit is overkill but I like log to be separate so I can rollback them system but keep logs.

Technically, /var/tmp should also be separate I think per STIG.

Ah ok, so throwing the server in a conf file in ~/.gnugp is the way to go? Arch wiki was saying something about ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf

Idk what dirmngr is… I guess I can look into it more when I get home.

Ahh yeah, the logs definitely make sense, and keeping var separate is good to protect root from filling. Audit definitely overkill, and was what threw me off.

1 Like

Is it possible to use systemd-nspawn on the chroot during installation? I’ve tried it a few different ways, but it always says:

Failed to create compat systemd cgroup /machine.slice/machine-mnt.scope/payload: Read-only file system
Failed to attach 25200 to compat systemd cgroup /machine.slice/machine-mnt.scope/payload: No such file or directory
Failed to chown() cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/machine.slice/machine-mnt.scope/payload: No such file or directory

No experience with this tool, so not sure what to do. If it’s not really possible, it’s no big deal, I’d just like to run some things in the chroot that I won’t work with arch-chroot one-liners.

Looking at Selinux or Apparmor. Looks like Selinux is not really an option and I haven’t found too much info on Apparmor other than I need to enable it in the kernel and that there’s a standard package but most of the userspace stuff is in the AUR.

Is it unusual to have MAC (mandatory access control) in Arch?

Why is SELinux not an option?

Do you run it?

SELinux is not officially supported

Looks like work will be slow af today, so maybe I’ll try to get selinux working. Low confidence on it playing nice with awesome which is what I plan on using for wm, but we’ll see. Based on the arch wiki, the setup looks complicated, but maybe this install script does most of it for you.

1 Like

I just don’t run any security platform. I trust that people wouldn’t be stupid enough to cross me. If I were to though, I’d run SELinux.

For production systems I run CentOS.

1 Like

That selinux install script asks for my password so much, it might be worth adding a NOPASSWD to sudoers just to run it… it’s also installing an enormous number of dependencies.

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Are they makedeps?

1 Like

Have you tried using this with a physical install rather than a virtual machine yet? What packages/groups are installed by default is it just base or base and base-devel, linux etc? Will you have options for other config options? Otherwise it looks pretty great.