My Clock Speeds(Help)

So I built a pretty nice rig a few months ago with the most notable parts being the X4 860k and the MSI A88XM Gaming. About a week later I had done a nice OC at 4.2Ghz and about a month ago I went further with 4.4Ghz. "Well what the hell does this have to do with us then?" you may ask(I'm getting to that calm your socially accepted bits*. Very recently after doing some light gaming I noticed some serious lag and stuttering. Last night I checked my task manager whilst in game to find out the my cpu was running AT 1.6*Insert a lot of cs references and extremely incoherent cussing here just think happy thoughts and we'll make it through this....potato*Ghz. After going into command center I saw that my OC was at 4.4 like it should've been but my clock was still 1.6-1.6Ghz no matter what. On Catalyst control panel I set the power limit as 3.7Ghz min to 4.4 max and still no beans. Please help I have gone through way too mush crap with this system I dunno what to do. Do I just uninstall the software all together? Do I just deal? Do I just curl up into a ball, start drinking old eggnog from November and start rewatching One Piece from the first episode?! 

TL:DR My CPU is clocked low af and I'm trying really hard not to lose it....


btw those reviews aren't coming because of this D;

First of all, check the temperature of your CPU; this could be thermal throttling.

What did you use to overclock your CPU? The BIOS? CCC? Some other software?

If you didn't use your BIOS to overclock, I would strongly advise you delete any software you used and then go into your BIOS and check the clockspeeds of your CPU. If everything there is as it should be, then try to disable power saving features such as cool and quiet to see if that is causing the CPU to slow down.

Trust me the thermals are so under control I have a cold from how cool my system is. All joking aside I'm using the physical OC Genie button on the mobo and the software just monitors the clockspeeds. So I guess I should just strait up uninstall it. I'll edit when I do.

EDIT: yeah how can I call myself a real system builder smh. Thanks bruv you're the best.

OC Genie sucks along with every other automatic overclocking black magic out there. Best bet is to do everything manually in BIOS. You are learning the same way the rest of us did. By breaking stuff and then pooring blood and tears onto your PC in an attempt to get things running again. 

No problem.

Makes me wish I still had my EVGA X58 sli plus everything was manual and dangerous