So I built a pretty nice rig a few months ago with the most notable parts being the X4 860k and the MSI A88XM Gaming. About a week later I had done a nice OC at 4.2Ghz and about a month ago I went further with 4.4Ghz. "Well what the hell does this have to do with us then?" you may ask(I'm getting to that calm your socially accepted bits*. Very recently after doing some light gaming I noticed some serious lag and stuttering. Last night I checked my task manager whilst in game to find out the my cpu was running AT 1.6*Insert a lot of cs references and extremely incoherent cussing here just think happy thoughts and we'll make it through this....potato*Ghz. After going into command center I saw that my OC was at 4.4 like it should've been but my clock was still 1.6-1.6Ghz no matter what. On Catalyst control panel I set the power limit as 3.7Ghz min to 4.4 max and still no beans. Please help I have gone through way too mush crap with this system I dunno what to do. Do I just uninstall the software all together? Do I just deal? Do I just curl up into a ball, start drinking old eggnog from November and start rewatching One Piece from the first episode?!
TL:DR My CPU is clocked low af and I'm trying really hard not to lose it....
btw those reviews aren't coming because of this D;