What's up guys, its been a while since I've been on here I have been busy not only with the my Rig but work gets in the way and takes up a majority of my schedule especially when it comes to the holidays but anyway if you remember me talking about my PC I have some awesome news. It's complete! That's right and it's a beast especially when it comes to performance. My case is the Enermax Thorex, the motherboard is an ASUS M4A89GTD with USB 3.0 and I didn't have to pay for this surprisingly, someone I work with just offered it as a gift and I jumped on that opportunity right away but I do have plans to switch sit out later down the road. CPU is AMD Phenom 2 quad core with a speed of 3.60 GHZ which is awesome and it shows. I am running Windows 10 on a 128 GB SSD from Adata and I will be adding a 250 GB Seagate HDD to store apps and games on which will be on its way here next week sometime. I can't wait. Power Supply is a 500W EVGA and my graphics card is weak but it'll do and it as Galaxy Geforce 8400 GS with 512 MB video memory. So this is my Rig so far and I'll be upgrading as I go especially with the liquid cooler from Corsair and if you guys can send me a link on a good video card that would be awesome. I'll keep you guys updated.
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