My Build

I am building PC, I wanted to know if this was a good build?

I didn't get a cpu cooler because I dont plan on overclocking anytime soon, so I think with the tock heat sink it should be okay until I decide to overclock it. But If you guys think it would be better with coolr let me know. Just give me your opinions or changes or even new builds If I need it. My budget is $1200 and it must include an ssd and Windows OS anything elese is up for change or whatever. Thanks again. 

Not gonna do a rebuilt right now, but I'd say if you reallocated some of those funds you should be able to get a much better graphics card for that kind of money, I recommend HD7870s in $650 builds, not $1200 builds.

if you want or need any bulk storage you should have no problem adding a 1TB hard drive in there and staying within budget

Ah what can i take off or economize on?


Get this instead of the 7870 and you'll only be around $25 over your budget:

You can still get a Radeon HD 7950 and stay within your budget (without tweaking any of the parts you've picked out) if you don't want to go with the 7970 too.

Do as Cloud says. You picked a too expensive case. Get something like an Antec One or Cooler Master Haf 912. Then, because you still have $84 leftover from your budget and build, add the saved $70 from the case, and you get $154 upgrade money for the GFX card. With that, buy a Radeon 7970. As Cloud said, a 7870 on a $1200 budget doesn't really make much sense. 

Oh, and what are you using this for? If it's for gaming, the SSD is pretty much a waste, all you'll get are faster boot times and load times. If it's for something like editing, then I'd understand. But if not, then drop it and get a decent cooler now.