Hi guys. I have a slight dilemma. My brother was looking to builde a new PC and had asked about buying mine. (http://pcpartpicker.com/user/aod5112/saved/wCXPxr) He said he would give me $1000 for everything including monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. I build this in the summer of '13 and it still plays everything fine. The only problem with it is the graphics card is pretty loud. Should I sell it and build another, or could he build something similar for $1000 including peripherals? If I do sell it, what would be a good upgrade for around $1500-$1700? Thanks
Sell it, and try something new I reckon. At least he's getting a nice rig out of the deal as well.
$1500 > http://pcpartpicker.com/user/deejeta/saved/WbQwrH xeon, gtx970, 27"ips monitor, nice case and psu
As for that noisy 7970, a good clean and a modified fan profile will make a world of difference.
Sell it, that way you both benefit from it.
$1600 > http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3FTw8d midway between your budget with reliable hardware.
Both the builds posted above look decent. Just one's more for overclocking, and one is not.
And yeah, sell it if you want. It's not a terrible idea.