My Asus Strix Gtx 970 Memory Issue

So, I am usually an Nvidia advocate, but right now im feeling a little concerned with these issues with the memory.  I benchmarked my own card and I also am experiencing the memory issue.  What should I do?  Do you guys think this will be fixed?

i saw something about this from LinusTechTips, i wouldnt try to fix it just yet because if you brock your GPU, you wont be able to return it. Accordin to the WAN show, they are certain they will fix it.

There is a whole thread about it here ;

Accordin to the WAN show, they are certain they will fix it.

Yes but they are massive nvidia fanbois. 

Yeah. nVidia was claiming there wasnt even a problem so a fix seems unlikely. 

lol they are fanboys, but they also said "nvidia is investigating"

Read my post about this issue please.

It wont be fixed , its by design dont hold out any hope