My anime website

Well it's just getting started, No domain or main site yet but there will be soon, for now though we have forums.

Be sure to register and help get us started if you like anime, we're going to have alot of things to work on when the site is officially started.

I'll join, I like Anime but I haven't watched that many series. : /

Cool cool, you should get a better domain tho..
If free; gives you domains like etc and you can buy real domains for them aswell

Just registered looks cool.

it looks like to be amazing I Love Anime But i didn't watch so many ^.^

I'll sign up.

We're going to have within a few days, just waiting for some things to be worked out.

Sick! : D

Now I will be able to remember the address, without having to keep coming back here to find it out. ; 3

Domain is now up for everyone by the way...

looks good actually, good job :]. but im not too hardcore anime fan. I'm only into Naruto and Bleach (when theres not fillers...).. I read the manga aswell.

(Bashing me for liking naruto and bleach wont change anything ^^ )
Anyways, introduce me to some good action filled animes, and i'll watch em.


Nah, aint my anime type... I need more like serious stuff.. Like Deathnote .. Not some cheap sellout based on sexy women :]

...All action animes are serious homedog.

Monster > Deathnote x1000

lol, i dont watch much anime but at our school we have a "deathnote game" we play. lol... i would probably watch more but i hate how in some things are so unrealistic... like dude gets hit by 500 pound club but only has a few small cuts on him.

Hmm, I don't know what happened, but uhh...

Right now it's telling me this:

Board does not exist.
Make sure you did not mis-type the URL.

Hmm, works fine here.. :S

Huh? You can actually go on? I always get directed to Black Apple Host. :/

I'm getting:

You don't have permission to access /
on this server."

@Ztrain I think that's pretty funny, was watching one anime (Can't remember which is was, maybe To Love-Ru) but a guy had a giant sword (Literally, it was like the size of a 2 story building) and he cut the school in half. I loled. :P

Yeah I'm getting that as well. :/

I think venom or someone is putting the index in