It looks fine to me but if you wanted you could swap out your GPU for a more cheaper AMD option with the same performance. Also, unless you are gonna be crossfiring or Sli'ing you dont need that much power (i think) calculate it with this:
Also, this motherboard is absoletely great but possibly too spectacular for you or anyone else but serious overclockers.
Yeah, the new AMD Drivers are great! You could always look into that. as an option, and as Bald said, scale back some on the Mobo and PSU some. That way you can save some serious Cash, or spring for more things like another HDD, and id say get better fans for the h100, maybe, ive heard the stock are quiet noisey.
get win7 pro, can handle more ram.... switch to an i5, games don't use the HT, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT GET AN H100. at that price, you might as well liquid cool everything... get a radeon hd 7990 from somewhere