My ~$1000 Build, Could you give your opinions on my build?

Please give your thoughts and opinions on this build, I'm new to building PCs so any and all help would be appreciated :D.

i miss the part list

Whoops my bad

Partlist looks basicly fine to me.
However if you like to do some overclocking, then i would recommend to invest in a slightly better motherboard if you can afford.
The Gigabyte board you have selected only has 4 powerphases, you will probably be able to do some overclocking, but it wont be the most ideal board for it.

something like the Msi Z97 Gaming 5 would be a nice board.

Thanks :D

Oh yeah before i forget, the Kingston SSD now´s arent that great.
I would suggest to change that for a Samsung 850 EVO 120GB.
Its $10,- more but its worth it.

If possible go with a single 8GB stick of RAM. It will give more upgrade options and slightly better performance.

If you don't plan on overclocking you could save a little money and not get the k model cpu. It is nice to have the option though

Oh yeah didn't they do a memory switch with those SSDs after like a month or 2.

Not sure can be a hit or a miss with those kingstons.
If you get one that has been in stock for a while, then you might endup with a miss.

I'd be wary of the corsair psu. Just finished my first build a couple days ago and the 24 pin connector for the mobo will not snap into place regardless of force. Not an isolated problem as I did see a good number of threads on tom's hardware. Though mine is a non-modular, if that makes a difference. Also, if you live near a microcenter, you can pick up the Intel Xeon E3 1231V3 3.5GHz LGA 1150 Boxed Processor for 20 dollars less than your current cpu. I am using it right now and from what I have heard, it is essentially equivalent to an i7(I'm not sure which one) without integrated graphics and overclocking.

I would really consider changing to a better ssd. If you do get it be sure to keep the receipt.

Is there PSU that you would recommend instead of the Corsair PSU?

There are plenty decent PSU other than Corsair but if I were you im fine since I have a CX 500 sitting there collecting dust and had little issues at all.... the cables are stiffy but it works fine. Brands to go for Power Supplies:

Cooler Master

pretty sure that there are more good brands out there but these are the ones that I go to first.

In retrospect I would just go with corsair psu. I am part of a very small group of people who has had problems with that corsair cx series. Just make sure to keep everything e.g manuals and boxes in case you do in fact have problems so that you can RMA it.

Ok thanks :D.

Personally I would get at least a 700W power supply and 120GB SSD will fill up so quick and most games wont run on a secondary drive id get at least a 250GB SSD. I am by no means a expert just speaking from experience I have a 256GB SSD in my laptop and desktop and even those get full really quick just saying.

700W would be a bit overkill.

Yeah but it leaves room for upgrades in the future. In my opinion id rather spend a couple extra backs now and then 2-4 years down the road when I'm ready to update my system I can and not have to buy a whole new one. Also Logan always puts a larger power supply than needed so it doesn't have to work as hard thus making it last longer, he even had one that the fan doesn't come on at low power so the fan never came on except at start up when it revs up to blow dust out at start up but because the fan never comes on it made it a lot quieter.

Like I said that's just my opinion and that's what he asked for was peoples opinions

sure of course more watts never hurts. ☺

Well I mean I'm pretty sure if you were getting electro shock therapy it would.

Just saying.