New surprise album dropped by Eminem, just working my way through it now. Have to say I thought Kamikaze was a return to form, but that form is from the early naughties. Should he have hung up his gloves? Have we all moved on?
I like his early stuff, old as it may be it was fun and that does not age. I fell off in the middle did not like those albums and the later stuff, never even listened to kamikaze, though did chuckle that he used the Beastie Boys cover. I heard Venom at the end if well Venom and that sounded good like he is having fun again.
I will check this out later.
I would recommend Kamikaze definitely if you liked the older stuff. It’s a return to him going toe-to-toe with the rap community.
It’s pretty mental how many ‘disses?’ he fits into a single track. Would recommend reading Genius alongside some of the tracks such as ‘The Ringer’. Venom was one of the poorest tracks on the album I thought, so that should bode well.
This new album is way more broody, which ain’t really my thing, but it’s better then some of the stuff he’s put out before such as Relapse.
I never made it beyond the Marshall Mathers LP. I don’t think I could sit down and listen to it now.
Peak Marshall
I definitely could and do sometimes. Reminds me of simpler times and friends. And I always appreciate humour in music. If an artist regardless of genre is having fun and really into it I can enjoy it endlessly.
Love going back to some of my older albums, reliving a bit of nostalgia. Sometimes I just find it hilarious what I used to be into
I dont wanna date myself but I was still pretty young and impressionable when I heard that album (probably too young to understand some of the undertones) and my tastes have changed significantly.
I can still hear criminal in my head when I think about it though.
Oh me too, definitely in the same boat I have gone back and read through the lyrics and they surprised me sometimes.
Dont ask me how I went from that to metal.
I dont have answers.
These day’s I can only really listen to ambient music, I either don’t have time or I can’t concentrate on what I’m doing otherwise. It’s all about the low-fi beats… and they better have an anime girl reading a book otherwise can it truly call itself low-fi beats??