Music Sources

Where do you guys get your music? I had used iTunes for a while but I hate it now. I have an android tablet and foobar on my desktop (windows). I am trying to find a good place to download music from. What are some programs or places you get all yours from?!?

Thanks Guys!

I get mine from the 38th street record shop or whatever it is called in T-town. They have everything ever released...just gotta make sure it plays all the way through before buying since most of it is used. Yeah...I still rip music from my cd's. That, and i don't want to miss out on all the badass album art.

I mostly use subscription services.  Spotify at the moment.  That or I toss on an online radio station from tunein.  It's always nice when you stumble across a station that plays obscure shit that you've never heard before.