Music Production PC Build (Pro Tools/Cubase etc . . .)

Hey guys , 

So basically as the title suggests I am wondering what a solid affordable build would be for a Music Production rig? I live in The U.K btw =].

I've been on a few websites that are asking for WAY too much money for a pre made one thats directed towards Music Production so I imagine I could save more £$£$£$ building it myself as well as build experience.

I use a usb sound card so a PCI soundcard isnt needed.

I also plan to use the same computer to render videos for Youtube and I use Cyberlink Power Director.

The main bit that I'm uncertain of is I currently have 3 hard drives ( 1 for my project files , another for samples/etc and obviously a hard drive for my OS. They are all just normal hard drives not SSD BUT I want to basically be able to copy everything from my OS hard drive to an SSD Hard drive without any problems and plug in my remaining 2 hard drives.


Things I defo need are;


USB  3.0

AMD Build


Very Bullet proof!


I've never over clocked as I dont feel confident about doing that especially on something thats basically my life!

. . . . . Just a quick note I probably seem derranged and have got a few things wrong as I'm pretty much a big smelly N00B :P.....


It would be awesome if somebody could maybe give an example of a medium cost build and a high end build!


Thanks , Kris

I wouldnt recommend going with a AMD build for music production - am3, fm2 boards etc have too much dpc latency to make good recordings. I would personally go with a (now cheaper) asus  z77 board and Ivy bridge cpu.

Dont expect your system to run if you just migrate your existing OS drive to an ssd. With such major hardware changes your Windows install will shit itself. Always start with a clean install. Be sure to enable AHCI in the bios before you install Windows as well.

Quick cheap build via

What is your budget?

Get a mac



Thanks =]. As I said I'm a biit of a novice! Loving that site some awesome deals!

All in I would say £600 atm =]

No dude! Far too expensive and half the programs and plugins I own dont cross over

I would suggest that you spend an extra £150 if you want a silent system. I tried to put a system together for £600 but then it would not be a system I could recommend for music production.

Do you need a dedicated graphics card or are you fine with onboard graphics?