Hey guys ,
So basically as the title suggests I am wondering what a solid affordable build would be for a Music Production rig? I live in The U.K btw =].
I've been on a few websites that are asking for WAY too much money for a pre made one thats directed towards Music Production so I imagine I could save more £$£$£$ building it myself as well as build experience.
I use a usb sound card so a PCI soundcard isnt needed.
I also plan to use the same computer to render videos for Youtube and I use Cyberlink Power Director.
The main bit that I'm uncertain of is I currently have 3 hard drives ( 1 for my project files , another for samples/etc and obviously a hard drive for my OS. They are all just normal hard drives not SSD BUT I want to basically be able to copy everything from my OS hard drive to an SSD Hard drive without any problems and plug in my remaining 2 hard drives.
Things I defo need are;
USB 3.0
AMD Build
Very Bullet proof!
I've never over clocked as I dont feel confident about doing that especially on something thats basically my life!
. . . . . Just a quick note I probably seem derranged and have got a few things wrong as I'm pretty much a big smelly N00B :P.....
It would be awesome if somebody could maybe give an example of a medium cost build and a high end build!
Thanks , Kris