I had an earlier thread but people seemed to ignore it was also meant to be a music production PC. Having said that I think I have an awesome selection of components thanks to all the help in the other post. I was focusing on keeping this as quiet as possible within reason, and also performance and reliability. So without further adue here she is http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/L4Cq
I'd swap the ram for mushkins with a CAS of 8, 1600mhz less cas is more important that freq. I'd also switch out the h60 for the newer version of the h60, it comes with improvements, a better fan, and it's cheaper atm.
Thanks guys, gives me a lot to think about. That Asus mobo looks sick, and I didn't realize that I chose an older version CPU cooler plus the ones suggested are quieter. And RAM with lower cas makes total sense. Here is the updated build.