I have a few G-sync questions, but here is the first.
Im running 3 monitors. I usualy play games in windowed mode
Will upgrading the middle monitor to Asus RoG Swift g sync monitor work? i heard someone say that g sync doesnt work if running 3 monitors? Please tell me as much as possible or give me links if you have any that may help.
Wait? didn't you hear that the G-sync thing is dead? The old adaptive sync from years ago is coming back via displayport 1.3 and it does the exact same thing as G-sync.
I do believe that it is going to be in DP 1.2a, but regardless, the monitors should be advertising it once they have the feature, so just hold on tight for now.
Its not though, its the same thing. G-Sync is just Nvidia's implementation. They both use VESA's VBLANK standard and that's all. Nvidia has to use off board hardware to do this because their GPUs are missing the component to adaptive sync so they had do create separate hardware to do it. So they are the exact same.
Adaptive sync is part of 1.2a. It does the same technically but nvidia's solution is hardware based whereas amd is software based. Just because writers use a clickbait title doesn't mean anything is dead.
I never mentioned anything about AMD....Adaptive V-sync was made by Nvidia back in 2012. But not many games put it to use so it got swept under the rug. The only game I know of that actually uses it is Warthunder. AMD's Free-sync is completely different from Nvidia's Adaptive sync which is different from Nvidia's G-sync