Multi-seat no longer works after update

Yeah, this is definitely a Arch problem. When did this become okay? A lot of people are using linux to get away from this apple garbage. Why is this suddenly the direction Arch is going?

The new problem is to find a working linux distro for nvidia nonfree multiseat, and streaming via obs with working nvenc encoding. Good support for Wacom Cintiq tablets, Krita, and a good repository for general utilities like GreenWithEnvy, Lutris, Steam, hardware sensor monitors
Something with minimal learning curve migrating off Arch would be great. Or, some way to get a working image of Manjaro, with a working package manager that has a working set of packages and works with nvidia nonfree multiseat again, but that honestly seems like more work than just using something else at this point.

New problem

manjaro linux, just did a big update, it had been a while.
To start with, I couldn’t log in on my primary seat using XFCE on the primary user. Plasma would eventually work, or XFCE on secondary user, but only after a lot of lags and waiting. Eventually, I fixed this by reattaching drm card 0 to seat 0 where it belongs(somehow it was attached to seat1) but it then attached drm card 1 to seat 0, and broke my second seat.
Since then, I’ve tried reattaching the card, flushing the seat, and reattaching again, but the second seat just won’t spawn a login session, and the second card/display continues to interfere with the primary seat and card.

I’ve tried rolling back nvidia driver versions(460.67, 460.39, 455.45-1) but that didn’t make any difference. Not sure what to downgrade for loginctl or sddm, or if that would help in any way.

The login session used to be automatic, so I have no idea how to force it to start manually, and I’m not sure that would even work.

What are my options before nuking everything and installing from an older Manjaro image and just never, ever, ever updating anything ever again?

Update: Reinstall from fresh, new manjaro still doesn’t work, so it must be the latest version. But, within the last few hours, something broke on the USB I use for older manjaro. RIP.

Update2: Reinstalling an older version is even more broken. Bauh won’t launch, and even though mhwd lists 450xx as an available driver branch initially, it also auto-updates it’s self and then errors out saying that configuration isn’t available. After the autoupdate, there is no option to use older, working driver branches. New task: Find a working linux distro.