Multi-monitor woes

My setup right now consists of 2 monitors: A center horizontal monitor, and a vertical one on my left. I use the horizontal monitor for movies, web browsing, and gaming, while the one on the left is used for chat windows, social media, explorer. I like the taskbar on the left monitor so I have all my programs accessible (including the active/hidden icons and clock) while I am gaming or watching movies, which take up the full screen on the monitor on the right. This is nice as I run my games in windowed full screen mode, allowing me to easily move to windows on the left without alt-tabbing and interrupting my gameplay.

The issues arises with different programs. Hearthstone, for example, will ONLY load up properly if I make the center screen the primary, otherwise it tries to load vertically, which the app doesn't work on (this applies to windowed mode as well). The other issue arises when watching a movie (whether using VLC or Netflix); if I have a taskbar on the center screen, then go to the other screen and use something on the taskbar, it pops the taskbar up over the video, requiring me to click on the video to put it in front of the taskbar again (often pausing it in the process).

My solution right now has been to have the taskbar only on the primary screen, and just leave the left screen as primary until I play Hearthstone, and then switch the center to primary, and then switch back when I am done playing. As you can imagine, this all becomes VERY annoying. Even having a keyboard shortcut to swap the primary screen would help, but what would be best is to find a way to force a program to open on a certain screen.

Any ideas? (PC Master Race/1st world problems...right?)