Multi monitor-multi device set up

I have been trying to work this out in my head for a bit and getting a headache trying to sort it. I need some help, so I figure this would be the best place to ask. I will do my best to describe the situation I need a solution for.

Displays- 3 x32 inch monitors (2x1080p +1 4k) + 1 65" 4k TV

-Gaming/video editing rig (being built right now)
R7 2700x, GTX 1070ti Windows 10
-Capture RIg
6600k 1050ti elgado hd 60 video capture dual boot Win10/Linux Mint
-Latop with single HDMI out

  • Xbox1x1

Here is what I would like to be able to do.
Use each of the 2 towers in a 3 monitor set up at times
have the middle monitor be able to switch to any of the devices also the TV
capture from any machine on any screen with OBS

so computer 1 has 3 outputs
computer two has 3 outputs i capture input
computer 3 has 1 output
xbox has 1 output

What the heck do I need to make this all work without unplugging, replugging and messing around?
I want to be able to use all 3 on the two desktops or switch any of them to either or the laptop or the xbox and switch any screen to display on the big tv and be able to capture any screen to stream.
4 4x4 hdmi matrix switches?

It doesn’t seem like this would be too abnormal of a set up to have a 2 pc gaming/streaming system with 3 monitors and a tv with a console. The laptop is a bonus that I would like to also add into the mix because the screen is too small for my blind self.

Note: I am only interested in the monitor configuration for now, I will figure out the keyboard and mouse situation after…I am thinking that Synergy might be the solution for that part

Whate type of output are we talking here? Display Port, HDMI?

And what types (and how many) do your monitors have?

Edit: Open up some drawing tool (paint, GIMP, etc.) and lay out all the ports and routes you want to connect, then it will be easier to see what you are looking for.

Stupid idea (if you can convert whatever outs you have to HDMI):
Get as many of these as you have screens, then just press buttons.

I want to connect the 4 screens which are green
to the 4 devices in black

be able to screen capture with OBS any of the 4 displays using the capture card on the second black tower
I want both towers to be able to use any or all 3 of the monitors plus the tv
I want the laptop and the xbox to be able to play and be able to be recorded from the big tv and the middle monitor

Hope this clarifies it somehow differently than I explained

see image