Mt-Gox Litecoin Plans Delayed

Keep mining and good luck!

I find this extremely lucky because then I'll be able to get more before the difficulty skyrockets. :D

Exactly what I was thinking Mike. Going to be watching a lot of NHL playoffs these next few weeks and gaming a lot less. Got to stock up on LTC bfore the boom!

Agreed, this is the best thing that could happen to those of us already vested in it right now.

I personally made 50 litecoin off feathercoins already and have a few more I can trade in as well as some chinacoin... Used like 10 of them already bout should be able to make back at least 5-6 before they go on gox

I'm trying something crazy. I put everyhing into feathercoins... I think they will go up a little and ltc will go down a bit... then ltc will go back up later, so I'll jump back over. 

Not a bad idea. I've had a everything in FC for a while then I hopped on chinacoin to pumpndump a bit

where do you trade feathercoins for litecoins ?

You crazy son of a bitch, well I have done the same, put all my bitcoins into feathercoin, hoping it rises.

the price of LTC is dropping and so is the estimated difficulty, yeeeesss. Gather up my coins and then sell to Mt. Gox. :D