MSI Z87 MPOWER or Asus z87 Pro

well just do some research on which cpu i7-4770K or FX8350, does run the best with your 290X CF.

The 8320 is the best value. It can usually overclock as fast, or faster, than a 9590. I would get an 8320.

Well 8320/50 is what I'll be going for :)

I read that someone had better performance with 8350 > 4770k with the 280x, but that's all the info I found within 5 minutes, haha

Get the 8350 if you are planning to overclock. 8350 is a higher binned chip than the 8320, so you'll probably be able to get higher clock speeds.

The 9590 is already overclocked, so I don't imagine getting anything major out of it. On the plus side, you are guaranteed with the 9590 that you will reach the clock speeds at which the 9590 runs.

That's how I see things, anyway. I don't overclock, but I've read a few things here and there just to know what I am missing.

im running a FX8350 over a year now, and im very pleased with it ☺

What ram would you combine with this setup? :)

these perhaps since they are red and 1866 and 1600Mhz cost the same for Corsair Vengance Pro??


if you getting a watercooler then those corsair vengeance pro´s are fine, about the memory speed, it does not realy matter much for a gaming rig. for gaming there won´t be a noticable diffrence between 1866mhz and 2400mhz ram. Notice that lower cache latency is more important then high speed ram.

If you getting a aircooler then i would recommend to look at some lower profile memory, like G.skill sniper  2x8GB 1866mhz Cl9 memory.

I'll go with those I linked then because the prices for 2400 is the same as with 1600 and it has cl9 ^^