MSI had an insane amount of things to show (as usual). Check out the case mods, and you have to see the Vortex. Also, Input club makes some clean keyboards.
Does anyone know if the Honor X5 will be available in the UK? I'm struggling to find any info even on there own site? maybe will be released but under a different name or something :/
Really really like what input Club is doing..Thanks for doing the overview Tek Syndicate..I know i asked for it and was hoping you would visit them..
Finally someone that makes something because they like to do so.. And that shows..Unlike other brands where we get the marketing speak telling us that. They make the product because they want to ..When in fact profit is the number one thing on their minds. Don't mind people making profit..And i'm aware that even the sponsors of this project need to make $$ just hope it's not an obscene amount of $$ because we also have the vultures called customs that believe they should get 31% for doing nothing..On top of all the shit you pay getting you pay check ..grrrr Free market my ...FF!! hahaha ..Perhaps Massdrop wil finally consider getting a EU warehouse..I mean ever heard of tax heaven..
Totally agree..The only thing (so it seems) we are good at in EU is asking $$ from hard working average citizens when they go out and buy anything that you can't get in the EU.. There is no creativity because they sniffed it out.. hahahha I don't feel like migrating surly after watching the NetFlix docu about "Steven Avery" Called Making a Murderer.. Don't get me wrong i don't believe we are any better here in the EU..
But what ever..i'm rambling and that's a whole different discussion. hahha...
EU doesn't attract creative free open markets / consumerism.. It's to bussy reacting instead of anticipating ..