MSI R9 290 Boot Up Issues

So I just upgraded from an HD6850 to and R9 290 and uninstalled drivers before installing card then installed latest drivers (not beta). And every time I boot up my pc the motherboard splash doesn't show up, in its place is a giant blue and green screen. Then boots up like normal. It did this even before I had drivers installed. Any suggestions on what I can do to remedy this would be most appreciated. Otherwise will be returning. 

Test the gpu in another machine if you can and see if the same thing happens.

go into bios and disable splash screen ... boot up and see what happens ..;.. then enable splash screen and see what happens

I got the card replaced, and the new card does the same thing. And I don't have another system to test it in but I did disable the splash screen and it boots up fine. The splash screen is the only thing I have noticed any major artifacting in, when I launched Tomb Raider there was some but when playing there is none whatsoever. 

If it happens with the new card as well it may be just because of the older bios, have you tried updating your bios recently?

OP I assume you have a strong enough psu for the 290, they are a lot more power hungry than an old 6850.

I updated the bios when I had the first one thinking that it could be just out of date bios. But it still had the same issue. I even switched between the hybrid and legacy bios in the card and no change. 

The box says I need at least 750 watt psu. I got a corsair ax850. I think I'm fine. And I doubt psu is failing its not making any strange noises nor has my pc just randomly turned off to make me worry about it. But I was considering going out to buy something stronger to see if it could be the psu. 

So if I understand correctly, it boots into windows fine and continues to work perfectly but the initial splash screen is messed up?

So what is the problem here?

As far as I can tell that's the only issue. But since that is messed up I don't know if this could lead to other problems later on. 

sounds like the splash screen graphic is corrupt on the bios rom. maybe do another bios flash?

Set boot to silent, no more splash. Then boot up stress the hell out of the card if it works, right on, if not well end if mystery.

For the sake of argument have you put the old 6850 back in and checked if the splash still works?

That's the thing, works perfectly fine with the 6850. But once the 290 gets put in it stops. I'll get a picture up once I can get on my PC so you can see what happens. 

Fair enough, for now I would not worry about it. use as normal and if anything funny crops up then you will be able to work form there.