MSi GTX 660 in SLi, worth it?

Hi all. I currently have a MSi GTX 660 OC edition and am considering a second. Before I go spending the few pennies I do have I want to know if there will be any considerable difference? So if there is a game I currently play that is on medium to high would I be able to then run that game on max settings once I'm running 2 GTX 660's? Or would I be better of selling the GTX 660 and putting the cash towards a single better card? My funds are limited and this is why I was considering a 2nd GTX 660. Thanks and sorry if I have explained this the long winded way :(

Take a look on youtube. There is plenty comparisons between a 660 and two of them

how mush is 10-15 more fps in Crysis 3 worth to you, if its still below 60fps?

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Sell the 660, its not worth it. I used 2 660ti pe's in Sli for a while, some games didn't work correctly with them and I was limited to "2GB" I mean 1536MB of vram.

Not to mention I had a total of 6 fail over 2 years before asking MSI to replace them with a single r9-290 which they did.

thats a nice trade :P

It was an awesome trade but I already brought a GTX 980 so I gave it to my brother who uses it with a 1366x768 monitor 0.o

Well, at least he gets 60 + fps in GTA V.

by todays standards no. You could buy a newer GPU that will probably run circles around a GTX 660 SLI setup.

People say get newer or trade but no suggestions. Also like I said funds are limited, I'll probably have £100 tops and I've had this 660 since last August without an issue. Works sweet and play's most games at high spec. I play GTA 5 with most settings high and a few on very high. Thanks on the youtube link.

If your PSU can handle it, and you can get your hands on a second GTX 660 for fairly cheap, I would say that it could be worth it.

Otherwise, yeah, see if you can find a buyer for your GPU, and put the funds towards a new GPU. A GTX 960 wouldn't be too bad of an upgrade, although you'll hear a lot of people poo-poo the 2gb RAM.