I am sorry if this is the wrong place I really didn't see a laptop discussion (there isn't much you really can do when getting/building one). I plan on buying one of these in the next week or two, but there are some things I need to figure out and I hope you can help me.
1. Ram- Do I just wait till it gets here and then order a single 8 gig stick to max it out, or do I take the plunge and buy a full 32 set of ram, and if it's the latter, does anyone know if it supports higher speeds of DDR3L ram (i.e. 2133 ripjaws?). And if I do end up ordering do you think I would be best off trying to ebay the old ram (only after I get stable speeds) or just keep it in the ever growing pile of ram I upgraded from, in hopes that someone will need it?
2.SSD's- Same issue, I need to order 2 more, They don't state who makes the ssd's that come in it, and will it effect the raid0 if I order ones that are faster (i.e. SAMSUNG XP941 ), are the m.2 even Gen2 compatible? And if they are, would I be better off buying 4 Samsungs (256's or 512's) ? And if I do go that route, do I then have to worry about the heat people talk about with these, because if its noticed in a full sized rig, then a laptop with four I am sure there would be something more drastic going on (I have looked at all the footage I can and it doesn't seem that they are actively cooling anything on the top side so I don't know how much air flow would reach them).
Is there anything else I am missing here? I have the budget to make all these changes so that won't be an issue.