MSI B450 pro Max Ryzen 4650G CPU Upgrade issue

Hello guys !
I am running a Ryzen 3400 G on my MSI B450 APro MAX. I bought a 4650G because i wanted to upgrade my system.
So i installed the latest Bios and built the the 4650 G into the board.
But no operating system is able to boot.
I made sure that the CPU works and tried the CPU on some Asrock Desk Mini and i could boot without any issue.
So there might be something with the board. Anyone has similar problems and some idea ?
other hardware info:
Ram: G.Skill Aegis 2x 16 GB CL 16

When you say “no operating system is able to boot”, can you elaborate?

Is a boot device not found? Or is the boot device found but the OS fails to start? Are you getting any errors? What type of device are you trying to boot from?

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NVME; USB Stick - both is booting with 3400 G on the b450 motherboard and with 4650 G also on the asrock Deskmini ! but the 4650G is not working on my b450.
So i doubt that the boot device is the right answer on my question which is a Bios issue or firmeware problem but maybe someone knows a bios setting workaround !

you’re still not saying what the issue is. does the bios recognize a boot device?

yes the bios does find the boot devices that works - there is no problem with that. In Linux even Grub is starting i can choose Kernels but when it is about the boot it ending up with a core dump message - it does boot with the 3400 G. Tried also Windows which also hangs up on booting from USB-stick which is booting with 3400 G. Same as Linux from usb stick i can see the boot-maneger but it hangs up. Is there any issue with amd-agesa or do i have to set something in the bios ? I made already sure that i did not make any mistake.

hmm… can you confirm which BIOS version did you put on the B450 board? from what you’ve told me it really feels like you don’t have a BIOS version that supports the 4650G. make sure you reset the BIOS to all defaults as well, just to test.

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