Hello, I was wondering what your favorite DOS games were? What are some of the hidden gems? The first DOS game you played?
Ever since I noticed the case to Betrayal at Krondor sitting on Logan's desk I have been after a copy of it. I played it and the gameplay is slow, as to expect from and MS-DOS game. The gameplay is interesting for a few hours then it become kind of slow. Of course I have to mention Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, though the hellish 3rd level of the Orc Campaign stumps me for a few days.
Anyway, post away, I am interested in what you have to say.
Oregon Trail was probably the first DOS game I ever played. Although, to be fair the first time I played it may have been on an Apple II or an original Macintosh. I don't know. Whatever my school had back when I was in kindergarten. That said, Scorched Earth will always hold a special place in my heart. Used to play it all the time at a friends house on his old Tandy 386. We used to play a couple text adventure games too, one was Zork. I can't remember the name of the other. They were alright, but I never got into them like he did. I much preferred my nintendo and my sega at the time : )
Gorillas, it was written for QBasic. Me and my friends would change the values in the program. We ended up with bananas that flew nearly the speed of light and blew up 1/3 of the screen.
Haha, good choices guys. Been playing UFO Defense in honor of the new XCOM