I have a Mpower z97 Max AC board and it has a broken PCIx16 top slot disallowing crossfire/SLI which is bad. I have RMA'ed the damn thing once already and got a new one with the same issue. It's a good board otherwise, overclocks very well and everything else on the board works. I will be replacing it with a z97 Xpower as I am using crossfire R9 290x's and I like the look of the MSI OC series and I feel/felt like they are good quality products.
My question is this; rather then dealing with the RMA process . . . again, for a product I'm already replacing; I was wondering what the street value of a slightly defective board like this would be, I would rather see it be used by a fellow enthusiast. Let me know what you guys think, maybe you can get a top of the line z97 Mobo for cheap in the near future, as long as you don't plan on using duel graphics cards I think it could be a good deal.
just RMA the board, if you get a new one, then just sell it.
And buy a decent board.
Also i dont think that the Xpower will be much better in terms of quality, the vreg design is a littlebit better then the Mpower, but further they sharing the same components. I think that the Xpower is a waste, because the quality isnt as highend as it may look like.
RMA'ing cost me money this would be the second time, so I'm not that into that shipping is like 20$ USD each time. I agree with you on the Xpower I reason I want it is it matches my Lightnings and has better PCI placement for better crossfire air flow. It's for a MSI build as it were. That being said I picked up a Xpower for 200$ which isn't bad at all considering that the retail for around 370$. I consider the Xpower the worst best z97 board it's missing a great deal of features that a board around it's cost should have and has extras that are completely useless given who the board is designed for. That being said it has a good power delivery system, a plex chip for extra PCI lane bandwidth, a decent sound chip, watercooling support built in, and a very cool looking color scheme. If I wasn't in need of a yellow and black Mobo I would never buy something like that.
Anyway more to the point, a 240$ Mobo basically never used with all of it's packaging and accessory's with a slight defect what do you guys think such a thing would be worth?
Its still a very good board dont get me wrong, i only dont realy understand that you had those dying pci-e slots on the Mpower max. This is the first time ive heard something like this on a Msi board.