Or at least one of the ways. Is there an app existent that would make a PC keybord work as an MPC? That would be awesome as I have a keyboard that has basically the same padded keys as one of these but smaller, obviously.
I'm pretty sure you could do this on most midi-sequencer/recording software, by creating an instrument from samples. If drum sounds are all you need, there are plenty of ready-made sample packs for that.
Keyboard isn't velocity-sensitive like MPC pads are, so there is that to limit your expression though. On the plus note, you can easily record anything you play on that set up, fix things up on the sequencer time-line, do multiple tracks etc.
Oh ok. I wasn't sure if I would be able to set up a keyboard for that is all. Not in with the whole midi stuff to be perfectly honest I just have a rough understanding.