Piracy = stealing ships
You mean File-Sharing
There's no place where you can purchase a movie, you can only opt in to licenced viewing, these licences usually require you to grant them access to your hardware, revoke your privacy, free content distributors from any legal responsibility, ...
You have a right to participate in culture without having to submit to such harsh conditions.
It's a sort of non physical or psychological violence: Either give up your rights or be excluded from experiencing major parts of cultural.
It's currently not possible to redress these grievances politically or legally.
I believe that downloading illegitimate copies of movies is warranted, as long as, content distributors refuse to give up on DRM schemes. Those are definitely not effective copy-protection, but rather tools to lock in customers & build empires. They want to control the viewing hardware, to prevent as much competition as possible & create walled gardens. I think that these "DRM-conspiracies" to enforce DRM on devices, browsers & computer operating system may constitute antitrust violations.
If you decide to torrent, use a vpn. Research which vpn provider has servers in the right countries that play along with file-sharing. Go for a paid vpn, they'll more likely to be loyal.
You could also join a legal-protection cooperative, where members pay small amounts of money to fund lawyers, and if a member gets sued, the funds of the cooperative can be used to implicate litigious content distributors in drawn out & costly legal battles, effectively neutralizing, the strategy of making an example out of individuals.
I would really like to see more crowd-funded movies & shows, that get released directly into the public domain. In the end we're the ones paying it, so we might as well cut out the middleman and get rid off all the bullshit that is needed to keep the middleman in place.
We can see the beginning of this with open source films. Also there was a very successful movie named Veronica Mars that got kickstarted & a stretch goal to make it open source was reached. But the makers broke the contract. Allot of people got insanely angry about that: Countless schools and public libraries list the movie without copy protection under public domain.