Mp3 to FLAC

Is it worth it / noticeable to convert music I downloaded as Mp3s to FLAC?

I believe no, the loss is already lost in mp3 format trying to go to FLAC, but FLAC can go to mp3.  Also depends on how you are listening to it.  To me it's noticable below 192-bitrate.  When I have music as FLAC, I convert to minimum 320-bitrate MP3 (yea yea, file sizes are a pain).

Alright thanks.  Maybe one day I will just download everything over as FLAC or 320 bitrate Mp3.

flac has superior fidelity when natively encoded from cd to flac... converting an mp3 to flac defeats the purpose of flac's high fidelity. it would be like converting a movie on vhs tape to a blue ray, you transferred a shitty quality movie onto a blue ray so it is still going to look the same on a blueray, but in this case it will sound like shit but in flac format. 

Yeah the quality will not increase. you'll just get bigger files. You cant create something from nothing.

Only if you originally got a .FLAC will you have .FLAC quality. The MP3 compression will take away the higher quality sound of the FLAC. It will simply be larger - if you payed for the music on the Bandcamp, most people offer their music as .FLAC so you could just redownload it. If you were a TPB ninja, though, just look around; you might find some FLAC versions of the MP3s you have.

Okay, thanks guys!  I have one last question: I plan on getting some over the ear headphones, and I was considering the Sony MDR-V6s.  Am I wise to purchase them?  I do not want to spend over $80.

Look for "anything" made by Sennheiser. Online, pawn shops, flea markets or where ever. Just make sure whatever headphones you get have rotary cuffs(they wont break as easy).

Ya im in the process of re ripping my 300+ CD collection to flac, i orginally had them at 128mp3.  Converting from a lossy format to lossless does almost nothing for sound quality. 

I have some Sennheiser HD 201S for generic use headphones that were $30, I like them better than the Sony $20 ones.  For that price range I'd recommend something Sennheiser better than these ones I have, maybe $50-70?

they're all i use now. i have went through maybe 17 diferent pairs dj'n and i came across Sennheiser and they've served me well in mj dj escapades... i'm dj'n a show tomorrow in OKC using a pair that i've had 5 years now and they still sound as good as when i got them. go for mid to high end models. In this case the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro.. They're worth the money.. I'm a destroyer of headphones. Do not skimp on $ when it comes to headphones.

this isn't even their high end stuff and newegg gives them 5 star.

people are spending like 200 bucks on Dre Beat headphones that are absolute shit beyond a fashion statement.. For 200 bucks you can get some serious Sennheiser headphones that will blow your f'n mind.

@djblackskull Yea, those look awesome.  Next time I'm in the market I might get me a pair of those.  How about some gaming sets with mics?  Could use some info on which are worth spending, hear a lot of people talk shit about turtles... I can see a point.  How are Tritons and others? 5.1 Sound would be nice...

Those sony headphones have a nice build quality, i recommend. You can also take a look into something like Creative Labs for something with lots of features, the prices for those are always less on amazon.

The effect of 5.1 can be limited with headsets. I find its often better to just get higher quality speakers for in each side, and using a virtual surround. This works well for games and wayyy better for music.

If any of you guys are getting Heaphones then I reccomend the ATH M50's, they are $115, but pretty much beat anything all the way up to $300 dollar Headphones.