It is exactly what it sounds like. We will still be able to delete cookies but not in the same way. Let’s say you have 10 cookies from level1techs
In your browser and you want to delete 1 or 2 of them. With FF60 You won’t be able to. You will be able to either delete all 10 of them or none of them. At lest that’s my understanding. I fail to see why they are doing this. How does this help anyone?
Is this just a continuation of dumbing things down further and further to appeal the technically challenged people? Or are they copying Apple and pushing forwards with COURAGE by removing functions? I mean they must be doing it right if they are copying $400 billion company.
Choosing a browser these days is becoming a real pain in the ass cheeks. Do you want privacy ? Do you want security ? Do you want backwards compatibility with addon support ? Do you want configuration ? Do you want performance ? Do you want lightweight browsing… etc… The list goes on.