Movies Fallout Games Use For Plots?

Fallout games have seemed to have allot of Easter eggs and have similar plots to famous movies. Fallout 4 is very similar to Blade Runner, what do you think the other fallout games are similar to?

You do not play Fallout 3/NV/4 for the story... I dare include TES here as well... Common, you can't be serious...
You don't go into sandbox open world game to follow the plot line...
I don't go into Skyrim to see how I will defeat Aldrin. I go there to walk around and kill stuff. In F3 I just walked around killing stuff... In F4 I pressed Refund...

I like movie references, that is what I am in it for.

A Boy and His Dog, Fallout takes it humor from that.

I know that movie pretty well.

Six String Samurai reminds me of New Vegas as well.

Where do you guys think fallout 5 will take place. Fallout 4 was hinted at in 3 in Rivet City so I would think that the next one would be hinted at in this one.

Be prepared to wait a long time for that answer lol