Moved from Fedora 30 Gnome to Deepin and KVM machine didnt go with me?

Hi all,

Last windows update bricked my computer so I went back to Fedora after about 6 months on Windows and running Windows as a VM again for work.

This time I thought I would really give Gnome a try and do some customization work to make it just right but after a few days of toying with it I just cant get it right and it keeps being a little buggy for my likes.

So I decided to give Deepin a shot as I have never tried that DE. If I don’t like this one I will go to Budgie next…

Anyways, my Windows KVM machine did not make the move with me…never had this issue before as I haven’t really ever tried to do this, any idea what I could do to make it migrate?

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I got it sorted out. Rebooting the computer did the trick. Also the Deepin Theme has the Start button in KVM really dark so I thought it was inactive…this thread can be deleted

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