Move win7 to RAID

I want to Upgrade from Win7 Home to Win7 Pro. But my old 60Gb SSD is too small, so I've RAID0'ed two 120Gb and now i want to upgrade and move my OS.


Im thinking about saving a Restore point on another disk. And then remove the old SSD, boot from the win7 DVD, install Win7 pro to the RAID and then use the old restore point.


Will this work? Anyone with experience?


Possible problems I see;

-The raid is made with the MB's Marvell controller, will I have any raid driver issues?

-The raid is now designated E: drive, will/can it change? It had to be initiated in windows disc manager what happens to the raid when windows is gone? will it be available to the new install?

- Will the Win7 Home restore point work with Win7 Pro?

These are probably noob questions, but I just dont want to reinstall everything again.

I have Win 7 pro and I had to change my sata setting so that I could do intel smart response and what I did was use a program called raidfix and it tricks windows into thinking that you installed it with raid enabled and it has worked fine for me.  You could use this program then mirror the install with marcium reflect to the new raid set up then go form there as you would have your current install on the new raid setup.

Raid 0'ing your OS is bad news, especially using a workaround like raginghavok explained. I just couldn't trust that for anything, even with my constant backing up procedures.

When you install windows on the raid partition it'll assign it drive C so that's a non issue. What motherboard are you using?

Im using ASUS P8Z77-V Premium.

Marcium Reflect, does it work for cloning system drives?