Mousepad recommendation

The delivery guy just handed me my G502 and now I'm looking for a good mousepad to replace the two crappy Razer-things I've used until now (mostly because I was too cheap/lazy to buy a new one).

I'm not really sure if I want a cloth one or one made out of plastic/aluminium. The exactMat I have is pretty durable (besides the surface wearing out over the years) but it tends to be louder thana cloth pad.
The cloth one was a complete malinvestment: the edges started to fringe only after a few days, the "pores" of the cloth collect dirt and it's nearly impossible to clean it and every mouse I had had problems with the surface.

So, I want a mousepad that is very easy to clean, durable, preferably cheap and has a low noise-level when the mouse is used on it.

Feel free to recommend me your favorites (as long as they ain't from Razer) !


I have both on different PC's and love them both. I am very fussy ;)

Can you tell me about how easy/difficult they are to clean? (dry/wet only?) I tend to sweat a lot on the hands (especially during the warmer seasons of the year)?

Are the edges going to fray?

Artisan Mouse Pads are awesome - mine is over two years old, no fraying at all.

The pad looks great, but unfortunately it's a bit on the expensive side (was looking for ~20€) and it seems that I can't get it in my country :-(

I've always been a fan of Xtrac pads.  Used them for close to a decade at this point, and I'm only on my second one.

Fairly easy to clean with a damp microfiber cloth (circular motions).  If it's really dirty, you can dab a little dish soap on the problem areas too.  Should pick up up.

Damnit, why aren't those pads available in Europe?

It's a bit on the big side, though. I use 2800-4000dpi and only a small area of my mousepad.

But thanks for the recommendation!