Mouse problems

Ok, so this is an odd one that has just started happening. Windows 10, Ryzen 5 1400, RX 470, Acer 24 inch monitor (left) Asus 24 inch 144 hz monitor (Right).

OK, I like to play video games on the Asus monitor due to the fps gains. I play mainly fps or mmo. and have Videos or movies on the Acer. Usually I can take my mouse and pause said movie from the game when on a menu, and there’s no problems. But lately in a couple games it’s not working. Mouse will jump back to center of Asus monitor if I try to move it to second monitor.

Most games i run in Borderless windowed. For the explicit reason of being able to move the mouse from one monitor or the other if need be when in a game menu. But this is no longer working.

I have to Alt+Tab to the movie to pause it. Granted, it’s a stupid thing to be annoyed about, but when I have to do something quickly, it’s a pain in the rear. Any help? Or am i stuck Alt+Tab-ing?

I’m more annoyed that games DON’T offer a borderless window option and if they dont they don’t offer a “Do Not Lock Mouse to Game Window” option or if they do offer it, it doesn’t always work.

Or the fact that most games that DO have a Borderless Window, that when you click off of it, Windows minimizes the damn game window and starts flipping out with the resolution change, which is super annoying with more than 1 monitor.

ETA: Sorry I don’t have an answer for you, just wanted to vent on that issue. :slight_smile:


Not a problem dude! I totally agree!

Miss the days of Battlefield 3 where the game just accepted what you did.

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It’s not a problem with your mouse or your PC. You’re entirely at the mercy of the developers implementation of mouse locking.
There might be software around that alleviate this issue, but I wouldn’t know any.

I’m on the opposite end where some games just don’t capture the mouse properly and I can move the cursor out of them on accident at times which can be really annoying too.