I don't know what the hell is going on
I am pissed off
I ended a game of Skyrim restarted my computer
and now magically I have no mouse
my system doesn't recognize that there has Mouse Hardware at all
I have 2 USB mice plugged
in I've tried a million different USB ports
the mice work in the bios
but when inside windows if you plug it in and unplug it nothing happens
at most when I immediately plug it into the USB the light on the mouse itself flashes once and then the whole thing acts as if it has no more power
That's what happens with both mice...
Why am I ever so cursed by this computer?
@wendell im lost.
I have managed to navigate to the control panel under devices and printers adding device yields nothing
the device manager itsself has nothing
under my mouse properties under the hardware tab is blank
I went in Under Universal serial bus controllers on the device manager and manually with the keyboard clicked on disable and enable and update drivers on every device in that list
When I got to USB Root Hub xhci properties device type Universal serial bus controller manufacturer standard USB hub location Intel USB 3.0 extensible host controller 1.0 Microsoft
it said disabled
I enabled it and updated driver and my 2 mice
which are on two completely different hubs
one is on the back of the mobo on a 3.0 port and one is on a front USB 2.0 from a header
both of them kicked back on and now appear to be working I have no idea what the fuck is going on
@wendell ... fucking computers....
Also now under Mouse properties on the hardware tab
my mice are now listed as existing ....
also under devices and printers my mice are listed and working
under connected devices I see that my mice are now listed and working
And lo and behold in the device manager I have an entire tab that I did not have before called mice and other pointing devices
and they are listed
..go figure..
I'm going to say a silent prayer and restart my Windows computer again and see if this changes stick
The only reason I stopped playing my game in the first place is because I noticed my GPU core clock was like at 1300 megahertz instead of the 2100 that it normally sits at and I was getting terrible frame rates even at 1080p which is ridiculous
So I wanted to restart the computer and see if there was just some weird witchery going on
Okay upon rebooting my computer my mouse works even at the login screen when previously it did not so that is a good sign it appears to work normally now...