Mouse for BIG hands (plz help)

Simple question what mouse would fit my hand right (from tip of my middle finger to my wrist is 20cm and the width of my hand is around 10cm while flat) I'd like a tall mouse (6cm+ but if the mouse was quite long 4cm+ would probably be fine but id rather 6cm)

At this moment I have a cyborg R.A.T.5 the problem i have with it is there is no space for my pinky finger and where my thumb goes rubs of the edge of the back pad and also I have to (like there is no other way for me to hold my mouse) put 1 finger on each of the mouse buttons (m1,m2) and the scroll wheel because the rat 5 is so low down which i hate.

All mouses you know of that are above 3600dpi and are massive would be greatly appreciated.

also any Roccat Kone + users out there how big is it?

Two of my freinds that have big hands use this mouse its a decent mouse and its big.

otherwise I would reccomend the g700 because its a large mouse and a very good gaming mouse

I have the Logitech G600 and imo that is fairly large, I can palm grip it comfortably. (My hands are large ~20cm wrist to middle finger and ~10.5cm wide)

All of the extra buttons are nice for games like Arma, or GW/WoW if you're into MMOs.

Heres a link

Thanks but even tho I have all the arma games I hate extra mouse buttons I think I'm either gonna get this 

or one of these:Roccat Kone +,g500,g700

I'd recommend Logitech G400. 

G500 is inferior in terms of sensor and it's too heavy even without weights. 

G700 is even heavier. 


And generally, although it's a preference, it's unadvisable to play with high sensitivity. Everything that is close to or higher than 3600 is way above the limit at which a hand can move accurately. Usually you want to play with sensitivity as low as you can handle. 

I think I've settled on the G700 as i like very big heavy mice with high dpi (why do logan ect call it cpi???) and i normally put the dpi to max then lower it down as high as possible in-game. but anyways thanks for your opinion!!!

It's not advisable to put your mouse at the max CPI, high CPI has been known to cause some issues.

Generally if I were you, I'd never set the CPI above half of the max. Like if you had a G500 (5700 CPI), don't go higher than 2850.

Well, counts per inch is actually the proper term when you are talking about mice. DPI is just widely used. 

Mouse DPI should be at least equal to your in-game sensitivity. Anything higher than that is not going to affect precision at all, and as it was said before, highest DPI settings can cause issues depending on the mouse. 

So if your actual sensitivity is for example 1700 DPI, there's no reason whatsoever to get insane-DPI mice. 

I always thought it was better to have it high because you got a better reading........

You can't get a better reading than you have pixels on your screen. If mouse cursor travels 800 pixels from mouse being moved an inch, nothing above 800 DPI will make any difference. 

Unless you want to move 1600 pixels by moving an inch.