Mouse click turns on pc

normally just a lurker but i have 2 problems and would like your help 


1st problem is my mouse click can turn on my pc after i shut it down 


here is a video showing it:


if you can show me where the setting is to turn this off that would be badass


2nd problem is about setting up a 2nd display (monitor and 55 inch tv)


im not sure if this is something you can fix but it does bother me that the clearness of the text goes down when i set up the 2nd display 


also it doesnt reallly show the text change on the camera but it does change a lot ( i have had these same two displays working on an older build and did not have this problem)


here is a video showing the problem:

Try right clicking the desktop and going to screen resolution and set the main monitor.

Also what motherboard do you have? That will give us a better idea as to where to look.

you would know this if you watched the 1st video Kappa


but asus x99 ws 


and will try that real quick 

ETA: the res is set right and didnt fix the problem 

Check your BIOS/EUFI settings and it's power section. I don't know your model of Mobo so I'll leave that up to you though it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. (Hint: Your BIOS/EUFI settings are NOT part of your OS!!! and will require pressing something like the DEL key shortly after you power up.)

As far as 2 monitors go, again it all depends on your hardware. (Sorry, I can't see your links since I block a lot of scripts and don't use Java/Flash -- I prefer links that I can cut & paste). You might be able to get to these settings if you have up to date drivers installed but it will require fiddling with whatever you can get to show up in your system tray (I'll assume you are using Windows Vista/7/8).

That's probably not much help but at least it's a point in the right direction. Good luck...


motherboard is asus x99 ws 

i cant find the setting in the bios 


lol only if you could see the videos 

try cloning 2 over to one insted of 1 over to two.    i think its changing your res, probably down to 720.  i have a visio thats advertised as a 720 screen but shows up as a native 1080 screen, text stays a lil blury untill i turn it down to 720.  or make your primary your tv then clone that back to your moniter, or whatever

i tried that before and it didnt work 

just tried it again same thing still blurry 


damn windows man 

Judging by the fact that the video card is still getting power over the PCI-e power cables, Windows has not fully shut down the system. Try holding down the shift key when clicking shut down.

Well it is kinda shutdown. As long as the PSU is on the LEDs on the graphics card will show that there is indeed power going to it. This a given on most graphics cards. So what would holding down the shift key do lol.


To OP could you give us some more information. Could you give us a partlist and the name of your mouse?

asus x99 ws mb


980 from asus 

mionix naos 7000

windows 8

ok shifting and clicking the shutdown button doesnt allow the mouse click to turn on the pc but now the blue light on the mouse stays on 

btw why the fuck do i need to hold shift just to power off my pc like wtf windows 8 

Have you tried getting an upgrade to win 8.1?

i have windows 8.1 my bad nah f that its windows fault should have made windows 8 right from the get go lol 

anyway to make it shut down all the way without having to hold shift?

yes im that lazy lol 

Power is only provided on the PCI-E power connectors when the system is on. The only voltage that should be present at all times from the PSU is a 5 volt VDC. Seeing that the card was still getting power via the PCI-E connector shows that the system is still on.

press the windows key + r to bring up run box

type powercfg.cpl and press enter

click on choose what power buttons do

click on change settings that are currently unabailable

uncheck turn on fast startup and then click save settings

That mouse LED willl stay lit because that USB ports on most new boards have power going to them at all times. You can how ever turn this off in the BIOS.


try to disable this