Mouse and Keyboard problems with Ubuntu

So I just installed Ubuntu on my PC, the installation worked fine but if I boot it up I get some problems:

  1. My mouse does not realy klick, I can move my mouse without any problem but if I want to grad a window or klick on anything it only works once sometimes. the same with right klicking.

  2. So I tried a few commands I found online to fix the problem. I can type them in without any problem but when i have to enter my password I don't see whtat I'm typing and lony the enter key works by going in a new line.

I hope someone can help me. The mouse and keyboard work just fine in windows and on any other PC, I even tried different mouses and keyboards (all USB) but I always habe the same Problem. The PC specs are on my profile,

If you are referring to the terminal when you are asked to give password as sudo then this is how its supposed to work. It´s a security measure. You just have to be careful of what you are typing.

First of when you run any command as sudo and a pasword prompt appears you will be typing your password without seeing how many characters you have entered. This is NORMAL and a general feature so someone else cant see how long your password is. Only gksu(graphical sudo) will show some dots. As for the window frames have a way too narrow resize hover zone, this is something that neeeds to get fixed. The single pixel width is a cruel joke. You should be able to type

gksudo gedit /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml
and then edit the following values from 1 to say 3 or more

<distance name="left_width" value="1"/>
<distance name="right_width" value="1"/>
<distance name="bottom_height" value="1"/>

You can also hold Alt and right or middle click to resize. Should be middle on Unity, im running xfce right now.

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Do you, perchance, use a Mad Catz/Saitek mouse? That will produce that problem.

When typing your password on Linux, as has been explained, it is completely hidden. Just type it without seeing it and then press enter, done.

Okay I wasn't aware of that thank you

This will fix the area in which I can klick rigth. But the PC does not recognice my klicks even when I klick on the X butto zo close a window or a link in firefox.