Hi, I’ve initialized a RAID0 array to store Steam games.
I’ve created a subfolder in /mnt which is used to mount the filesystem.
However, Gnome Files browser is asking for the root password to get to it.
How can use /etc/fstab NOT for the system to ask for a password so that I can browse the drive?
Using Ubuntu 20.04, thanks
No modification is needed to the file system table file. Just change the owner of the directory, and all sub-directories, to your user.
Substitute $USER
with your username on the system.
sudo chmod -R $USER:$USER /mnt/FOLDER
If you are the only user, then go with @Dynamic_Gravity suggestion. Otherwise you need to come up with a better plan:
sudo chgrp -R users /mnt/FOLDER
Add all users which need to access to that folder in the users group:
sudo gpasswd -a USERNAME users